Connecticut IEP Manual

Section 12: Progress Reporting

The IDEA requires the PPT to describe when periodic reports on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals will be provided.

The IDEA requires a description:

  • of how the child’s progress toward meeting the annual goals will be measured.
  • of when periodic reports on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals (such as through the use of quarterly or other periodic reports, concurrent with the issuance of report cards) will be provided to the parents.

Currently, Connecticut regulations further require:

  • short term objectives derived from the annual educational goals for all students that have an IEP.
  • evaluation procedures and performance criteria be specified for all short-term objectives.

Indicating how often progress on IEP goals and objectives will be reported is required when creating an IEP. The PPT will determine if progress will be reported to the parents (at a minimum) consistent with general education grade-level report cards. However, the PPT has the ability to choose to report progress more frequently by choosing OTHER and indicating how frequently progress will be reported to parents (for example, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.)

The district must report progress on each IEP goal and objective to align with the timeline indicated in the IEP document. The district must use the following indicators to report the status of the student’s progress:

  • Not Introduced
  • No Progress to Date
  • Limited/Minimal Progress
  • Satisfactory Progress
  • Not Mastered
  • Mastered (Goal/Objective Achieved)

Along with the status, the PPT will also describe the qualitative and/or quantitative data utilized to justify the objective status. Example provided below:

Annual Goal 1

Given a number line, Randy will accurately add and subtract single digits, as measured by performance on weekly assessments.

Progress Report STATUS: Satisfactory Progress

Current Score: N/A

Target Score: N/A

Progress Data/Notes: Randy has made satisfactory progress towards this goal during the first marking period as measured by weekly classroom assessments and progress on his objectives.

Objective 1

Given math manipulatives, Randy will skip count by twos with decreasing prompts in 8 out of 10 trials by 1/14/23.

Progress Report STATUS: Satisfactory Progress

Current Score: 65%

Target Score: 80%

More information can be found in the CT-SEDS IEP and Progress Reporting User Manual Section 2.1.