Interactive Data Portal
Data, statistics, and reports about schools, districts, and the state
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Fine Art Keeps the Big Picture in Focus, Earns Michael Zaba a $25,000 Milken Educator Award
Connecticut Stronger Connections Grant Program
Connecticut's Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Program supports high-need school districts with funding to create safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments; foster a sense of belonging and engagement in school; and improve academic outcomes and reduce violence and disciplinary actions.
School Bus Driver Form
Connecticut State Department of Education Grantees
Audit instructions for CSDE grantees
Teacher Retirement Resources and Benefits
The Connecticut Teachers' Retirement System is governed by Chapter 167a of the Connecticut General Statutes as amended through the current session of the State Legislature. The System is administered by the Teachers' Retirement Board, located in Hartford.
No matter what. School is for Everyone.
Students experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity can enroll and attend school and get a variety of support, too. The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides services to children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Connecticut Labor and Working Class History
Lesson Plans, Resources, and Materials for Teachers
Find out about your local testing center rules and requirements. Access to state requirements, price and payment, and registration and scheduling for GED ® testing.