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The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) provides funds for Connecticut adult education program in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) Sections 10-67 through 10-73d.
Grade 5: "Who was Marco Polo?" by Joan Holub and "The Adventure of Marco Polo" by Russell Freedman
Grade 3: A Bad Case of Bullying - Using Literature Response Groups
Approved Bilingual Cross Endorsement Course List
Effective July 1, 2005, those seeking to become elementary level bilingual teachers are required to be certified in elementary education AND bilingual education; those seeking to become secondary level bilingual education teachers must be certified in both the subject area they will teach AND in bilingual education.
Grade 3 Close Examination of a Complex Text - Because of Winn Dixie
Grade 3: Close Reading Literature: “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”