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Grade 8: Building Background Knowledge - War Coming Close to Home
Grade 8: Persuasion in a Digital World - Finding Solutions to Food Waste
Grade 8: Voices from Little Rock - Understanding the Civil Rights Movement through Primary Sources
Grade 9: Making It Visual for ELL Students - Teaching History Using MAUS
Grade K: America the Beautiful–Using Music and Art to Develop Vocabulary
Grades 9-10: Building Historical Background Knowledge - The Road to Revolution 1754-1776
Educator Evaluation Plan Submission Process
The State Board of Education acted on April 5, 2017, to adopt proposed recommendations from the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) on the appropriate uses/non-uses of the state mastery test (e.g. Smarter Balanced Assessment, SAT, CMT, and CAPT) within the educator evaluation and support system.
The newly revised CSDE Foundational Skills for Evaluators of Teachers training is designed to concentrate on the evaluator’s capacity to observe and analyze teacher performance and practice inherent in the CT Common Core of Teaching (CCT) and to provide supportive, high quality feedback to teachers.
Connecticut's Definition of Professional Learning: High-quality professional learning is a process that ensures all educators have equitable access throughout their career continuum to relevant, individual and collaborative opportunities to enhance their practice so that all students advance towards positive academic and non-academic outcomes.
Professional Learning - Cultural Competence
Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student facilitates educators’ self-examination of their awareness, knowledge, skills, and actions that pertain to culture and how they can develop culturally-responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences for all students.
Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student requires the use of both quantitative and qualitative student, educator and system data to plan, implement, monitor, and assess professional learning.
Professional Learning - Implementation
Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student applies change research and uses tools to identify and support the developmental stages of change and ensures the fidelity of implementation.
Professional Learning - Leadership
Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student requires and develops leadership capacity at all levels to advocate for and create systems for professional learning.
Federal and State Single Audit Updates
Latest updates on Federal and State Single Audits