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Professional Learning - Leadership
Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student requires and develops leadership capacity at all levels to advocate for and create systems for professional learning.
Professional Learning - Learning Designs
Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student integrates research on effective adult learning and uses flexible learning designs to achieve intended outcomes.
Federal and State Single Audit Updates
Latest updates on Federal and State Single Audits
Manuals and Guides for Child Nutrition Programs
A list of resources that provide information on complying with the requirements for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs.
Office of Strategic Planning and Partnerships
Home page of the State Department of Education's Office of Strategic Planning and Partnerships
Information about Open Choice on the Office of Strategic Planning and Partnerships home page.
Grant programs managed by the Office of Strategic Planning and Partnerships.
Teacher of the Year 2020 Finalists and Semifinalists
Biographies and pictures of the 2020 Teacher of the Year Finalists and Semifinalists.
Chronic absence and truancy are not interchangeable terms. They describe different aspects of the absence problem and require different approaches. Truancy is a term that generally refers to unexcused absences. Chronic absence, on the other hand, incorporates all absences: excused, unexcused absences, and suspensions and expulsions served.