Contact the regional educational service center (RESC) nearest to your home or closest to the largest city in your region for more information.
Bridgeport Area (Southwest Connecticut)
The Cooperative Educational Services (CES) oversees the Open Choice Program in the Bridgeport, Danbury, and Norwalk areas.
- Students must be residents of Bridgeport, Norwalk, or Danbury to apply to schools in the suburbs.
- Grade availability varies for each application period, which is typically from January 15 to March 15.
- Visit their website for more information and to apply.
Greater Hartford Area (North Central Connecticut)
The Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) oversees the Open Choice Program in the Greater Hartford area.
- Students must be residents of Hartford to apply to schools in the suburbs or residents of suburban districts to apply for a Hartford school.
- Suburban residents cannot apply for other suburban districts.
- Grade availability varies for each application period.
- Visit for more information and to apply.
New Haven Area (South Central Connecticut)
The Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES) oversees the Open Choice Program in the New Haven area.
- Students must be residents of New Haven to apply to schools in the suburbs or residents of suburban districts to apply for a New Haven school.
- Suburban residents cannot apply for other suburban districts.
- Grade availability varies for each application period, which is typically from March 1 to April 1.
- Visit their website for more information or to apply.
Student transportation is arranged by the RESC serving the area. Typically, transportation is provided at no cost for most students in kindergarten through grade 12 participating in the Open Choice program, however, in some programs, pre-K students may have to be transported by their parents/guardians. Visit the RESC website or contact them for more information about transportation services in their area.