School Nutrition Memos Earlier Years
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USDA Memo SP 11-2012 CACFP 05-2012 SFSP 07-2012
Guidance on the Food Donation Program in Child Nutrition Programs
School Meal Applications and Direct Certification During the Operation of Provision 2 and Provision 3
USDA Memo SP 12-2007 CACFP 09-2007 SFSP 07-2007
Electronic Record and Reporting Systems
FNS 742 Clarification—Box 11, Did Not Respond
Operation of Child Nutrition Programs Dring a Pandemic
Use of Vending Machines in the School Meal Programs
Letter Method for Direct Certification
Verification for Cause in the School Meals Programs
Allowability of Procurement Fees in School Food Authority Contracts
Record-Keeping Requirements
Procurement Q&As to Assist in the Implementation of the final rule titled Nutrition Standards in the NSLP and SBP
Procurement Geographic Preference Q&As
FFVP: Adherence to School Selection Criteria and Outreach to Potentially Eligible Schools
USDA Memo SP 19-2011 CACFP 09-2011 SFSP 06-2011
Privacy Protection and the Use of Social Security Numbers in Child Nutrition Programs
Soliciting Bids from Commercial Distributors for End Products