School Nutrition Memos Earlier Years
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Final Fluid Milk Substitution Rule
USDA Memo SP 02-2010 CACFP 02-2010 SFSP 02-2010
Procurement Questions
Verification and Reporting of Foster Children
Vending Machines in the School Meal Programs
Direct Certification and Zero Benefit Households
Updated Guidance for Homeless Children in the School Nutrition Programs
Applicability of Federal Requirements to State Agency Procurements
Scanned Income Applications
USDA Memo SP 04-2011 CACFP 01-2011
Eligibility of Expanded Learning Time Programs for Afterschool Snack Service in the NSLP and the CACFP
Food Safety Inspections in Non-Traditional School Settings
Further Clarification in Crediting for, and Use of, Donated Foods in Contracts with Food Service Management Companies
Pasteurized Juice
Applicability of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Cost Circulars to Fixed Price Contracts
Fluid Milk and Other Food Components/Menu Items in Reimbursable Lunches
USDA Memo SP 06-2010 CACFP 03-2010 SFSP 04-2010
Exclusion of Military Combat Pay