Reading Leadership Implementation Council


Every Connecticut student has the right to read at or above grade level by the end of third grade

Pursuant to Public Act No. 21-2 sec. 402 (8c), the Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success shall be under the direction of a director who shall, in consultation with the Reading Leadership Implementation Council described in subsection (c) of this section, be responsible for (1) overseeing all activities of the center, (2) facilitating communication between the center, local and regional boards of education and other affiliates of the center, and (3) coordinating the dissemination of information, tools and services made available by the center. (c) The activities of the center shall be informed by the Reading Leadership Implementation Council. 

Additionally, the Reading Leadership Implementation Council shall develop and publish annual goals for the center and meet at least once every two months and may consult with representatives from public, private, and philanthropic organizations.

2024-26 Reading Leadership Implementation Council Goals

The overarching goal of the Reading Leadership Implementation Council is to support and inform the Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success (Center) regarding the implementation of all elements of the Right to Read Legislation. This includes:
  1. Communicating to the Council and Center feedback regarding successes and challenges related to the implementation of the Right to Read Legislation and the provision of technical assistance to those districts whose Waiver of Connecticut Approved K-3 Reading Curriculum Models or Programs was not approved.
  2. Identifying ways to expand Connecticut’s K-3 Literacy Strategy to include Birth-3 and grades 4-12.
  3. Ensuring decisions regarding Connecticut’s Approved K-3 Reading Curriculum Models or Programs are grounded in evidence-based literacy strategies and effective reading instructional practices.
As a result, 100 percent of Connecticut districts and Charter Schools will deliver evidence-based, comprehensive, core literacy instruction to promote success for all students.