Your Partners in Literacy Success
Students reach their literacy goals when all stakeholders collaborate and contribute their unique knowledge and skills to support the mutual mission of student achievement.
Our Literacy Community
Across the state, educators are working together to align Kindergarten through third grade (K-3) literacy teaching and learning with evidence-based practices so that all students will be reading at or above grade level by the end of third grade. How has your school/district worked to increase student achievement? Please consider sharing your experience with us by emailing us at or reaching out directly to your Center Point of Contact. (Limit: 300 words)
Coaches' COLLAB (Community Of Literacy Learning And Building)
What would you like to learn more about? In the fall of 2024, feedback was collected from literacy leaders and coaches throughout Connecticut at RESC Literacy Council meetings and through a questionnaire on the Center’s Coaches’ Listserv. Below are the highest-priority topics. The Center will focus on these topics throughout the 2024-25 school year as they offer opportunities for learning and collaboration. Stay tuned to the Coaches’ Listserv for upcoming information.
- Coaching for evidence-based Tier 1 instruction
- Dyslexia and reading disabilities
- Intensive reading intervention
- Coaching strategies
- Effective instruction for EL/MLs
Sign up for Professional Learning Opportunities
Upcoming No-Cost Opportunities for Districts/Charter Schools and Educators
- Network Improvement Community (WestEd): Districts/Charter Schools will engage in professional learning and site-based coaching focused on specific evidence-based school improvement practices around K-3 literacy instruction, with a focus on implementing CT-approved K-3 literacy curriculum models/programs
- Individualized Support for Districts/Charter Schools (TNTP): Beginning with a landscape analysis, districts/Charter Schools will receive customized support in implementing a CT-approved K-3 literacy model/program. As part of this work, the following may also be included: setting or refining a vision for literacy instruction, gathering/analyzing data, building leader and educator capacity, aligning systems, and monitoring progress to ensure that all faculty and staff are effectively leveraging the high-quality materials to meet the needs of all learners.
- ReadConn 2.0 (PCG): Revised and revamped, now K-12 educators will be supported as they delve into evidence-based literacy research and practice, and the timeline for completion has been extended from one to two years completion. This professional learning series aims to:
ReadConn 2.0 is accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and aligns to the Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading (KPS).
Professional Learning in Progress
- Connecticut’s Partnership for Literacy Success and the Connecticut Literacy Model (CTLM): The goal of Connecticut’s Partnership for Literacy Success (Partnership) is to directly address the reading opportunity gap in Connecticut and support literacy success for all students through the deliverance of the Connecticut Literacy Model (CTLM).
The Partnership represents an on-going, unique collaboration between the CSDE, the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus of the Connecticut General Assembly; the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut, the Connecticut Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity, and Opportunity; the HILL for Literacy; and Literacy How.
Funded by the CSDE, the Partnership’s team of expert reading coaches, trainers, and evaluators work directly with Alliance and Opportunity Districts to implement the CTLM and actualize the State Board of Education’s goals, priorities, and vision for improving student reading achievement in our state and building evidence-based literacy structures and practices. - Individualized Support for Districts/Charter Schools (HILL for Literacy): Support designed to facilitate the selection, adoption, and implementation of a CT-approved K-3 literacy curriculum model/program
- Literacy Affinity Groups and 1:1 Coaching (CT RESC Alliance): Professional learning designed to help districts/charter schools navigate the digital platforms and materials of their literacy programs, understand how their programs align with components of the Science of Reading, and collaboratively address any implementation challenges.
Past Professional Learning Opportunities for Districts, Offered at No-Cost
- ReadConn Professional Learning Series (PCG): From 2016-2024, 54 Districts and Charter School teams have participated in at least one cohort of the ReadConn Professional Learning Series, with most of those having participated in more than one cohort. Training focused on identifying students’ needs related to critical early literacy skills and delivering explicit instruction regardless of reading approach or program. The learning content was designed specifically to support K–3 general education teachers, including teachers of English learners, and K–3 special education teachers who serve students with disabilities. Throughout the school year, ReadConn participants engaged in webinars, self-paced online modules, and application activities that included classroom resources. Additionally, literacy leaders were invited to attend four group virtual coaching sessions, facilitated by a Public Consulting Group (PCG) executive coach.
—ReadConn Participant feedback
- Right to Read Professional Learning Series, Cohort 2 (HILL for Literacy): 130 Connecticut Districts and Charter Schools sent teams of administrators, teachers, and specialists to join in 10 virtual synchronous sessions, with the ultimate goal of creating an individualized and sustainable district literacy plan. Training occurred in two parts:
- 1. Leadership Series: Leadership training focused on the systems and structures necessary to support a sustainable, district-wide multi-tiered instructional and assessment model.
- 2. Science of Reading Series: Science of Reading training taught critical components of literacy instruction, integrating current research into each module and translating it into classroom application.
—Right to Read Participant feedback
- Science of Reading MasterClass (CT Association of Public School Superintendents - CAPSS): As part of this in-person series, four cohorts, consisting of thirty-three district literacy leadership teams throughout Connecticut, worked with top national researchers as they delved deeply into each of the five components of reading. Then they teamed with expert coaches to apply their learning to their local contexts and develop sustainability for evidence-based K-3 reading instruction within their districts.
“The Science of Reading is not a pendulum swing. It is the knowledge that informs our decisions to do the best we possibly can for all students while continuing to build teacher capacity around essential components.”
—Southington: MasterClass Participants’ Ignite Presentation
The Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success (Center) Listservs
Stay informed of all that’s happening at the Center through our two listservs:
- The Center Listserv: newsworthy events, upcoming trainings, and various other updates about the Center.
- The Coaches’ Listserv: newsworthy events, upcoming trainings, opportunities for collaboration, current research and literacy resources, and various other updates; designed specifically for literacy leaders and coaches.
Join one or both of our listservs by sending an email from the address to which you wish to receive notices. The email should be sent to your Center Point of Contact or to
When emailing us, please specify:
- First and Last Name
- District/School/University (if you are an educator) or Town (if you are a community member/parent)
- the listserv(s) to which you would like to subscribe
CSDE Social Media
Want to follow along with Team CSDE? Be sure to follow us if you are not doing so already!
- Facebook: Connecticut State Department of Education | Hartford CT | Facebook
- X (Twitter): @EducateCT
- Instagram: @educate.ct
- LinkedIn: Connecticut State Department of Education: | LinkedIn