Comprehensive Standards — Aligned Literacy Curriculum

Students acquire the literacy skills needed to succeed in learning, life, and work beyond school when their curriculum is cohesive, structured, and incorporates evidence-based, high-quality materials.

Connecticut is committed to providing reading instruction that is based on scientifically based reading research in kindergarten through grade three. As defined by the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 10-14u, this reading instruction shall consist of a comprehensive model or program that is based on reliable, valid evidence showing that when such programs or practices are used, students can be expected to achieve satisfactory reading progress. The comprehensive nature of this instruction ensures cohesion, meaning that all the major components of literacy are interconnected as they build upon each other. A clear curricular scope and sequence provides direction so that teachers are not reliant on resource books or online materials from various sources. The result is an enhanced learning experience in which students are better able to make meaningful connections.

“Elementary teachers in Stafford had been using a collection of different programs for teaching print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, grammar, and vocabulary. CKLA uses an explicit, systematic, and spiraling approach to skills instruction that directly connects to core instruction and eliminates the need to draw from a number of other resources. It also infuses decodable texts and readers directly into skills instruction… PreK through grade five contains high-interest, knowledge-building domains based around storytelling, science, and social studies. Opportunities for play-based learning can also be easily weaved in.” 

—Stafford: Erin Grasso, K-5 Literacy Leader, Infinite Possibilities Webinar

CT-Approved Models, Programs, and Compendiums

The Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success at the CSDE offers the following resources to support districts and Charter Schools as they select, pilot, and implement a Connecticut-approved K-3 reading program, model, or compendium. 

Guidance for Selection, Piloting,
and Implementation
   Districts and Charter Schools
Share Their Experiences