Statutes and Regulations
Establishes the Board as the central oversight and policy body for all state procurement.
Creates the position of Chief Procurement officer, an experienced procurement professional to assist the Board in implementing its programs, policies and procedures.
Requires each agency head to appoint a qualified Agency Procurement Officer to oversee all procurement activities of the agency and to serve as the liaison to the Chief Procurement Officer.
Calls for the development and implementation of a standardized state procurement and project management education and training program, which certifies that agencies and staff are in compliance with the statutes and regulations.
Sets forth the criteria and enforcement authority of the Board including the ability to restrict or eliminate the procurement authority of any state agency and the disqualification of any contractor, bidder or proposer for up to five years.
Establishes a structural process that all state agencies shall follow when entering into a privatization agreement, including a cost benefit analysis.
Creates a Contracting Standards Advisory Council of agency representatives to discuss state procurement issues and recommend improvements to procurement processes.
Creates and Vendor and Citizen Advisory Panel of 15 citizens and vendor members to make recommendations to the Board regarding best practices in state procurement processes and project management as well as other issues pertaining to stakeholders in the system.
Requires each of the State’s constitutional officers (Secretary of the State, Comptroller, Treasurer and Attorney General) to adopt a code of procurement practices.
Requires that the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch prepare a uniform procurement code applicable to contracting expenditures including any building, renovation, alteration or repairs.
Recommends a timeline to redesign and streamline the repetitive, conflicting or obsolete provisions of law, policies and practices in the state procurement process.
There are currently no regulations adopted.