Requesting Service Pipe Exceptions Under General Statutes § 16-262u(d) and (f)
In general, Connecticut law states that a “service pipe shall extend through that point on the customer’s property line or the street line easiest of access to the water company from its existing distribution system and, where practicable, from a point at right angles to the existing water main in front of the premises to be served.” General Statutes § 16-262u(c). “Service pipes shall not cross intervening properties or operate in place of a proper water main extension running in the street and fronting the property except as noted in” General Statutes § 16-262u(d) and (f).
Requesting an Exception
Connecticut property owners seeking an exception to allow a service pipe to cross intervening properties must first make a written request to the water company, as required by General Statutes § 16-262u(d).
Property owners “may request such exception only under very exceptional hardship circumstances and then only on a case-by-case basis.” General Statutes § 16-262u(d).
Your water company may grant an exception to allow a service pipe to cross intervening properties if “proper easements are in place, the construction complies with the company's rules and regulations and there is adequate water pressure to serve the property.” General Statutes § 16-262u(d).
The proposed service pipe cannot serve more than one premises, and the following do not constitute sufficient cause for granting an exception under General Statutes § 16-262u(d):
(1) When the intent is to avoid the time and expense of a proper main extension, and proper service pipe installation, or other reasonable engineering solution in conformance with good engineering standards of practice,
(2) when the intent is to perpetuate an existing nonconforming condition through an extension or replacement of an existing nonconforming service pipe, or
(3) when an easement is proposed without sufficient evidence to show that alternative ownership of a suitable strip of land to establish frontage on a road is not feasible.
Property owners must contact their water company (e.g., Aquarion Water Company or Connecticut Water Company) before involving PURA.
If the water company approves your request, they will provide notice to PURA, and you do not need to contact PURA.
Appealing a Water Company Decision
A property owner, or a water company on behalf of the owner, may file a request with PURA for an exception if:
(1) The property owner cannot demonstrate in the application to the water company that the conditions established in General Statutes § 16-262u(d) are met, or
(2) The property owner disputes the decision of the water company.
Before filing a request with PURA, please ensure that you have copies of the water company’s decision and any relevant correspondence. PURA will consider such applications pursuant to Conn. Agency Regs. § 16-11-64.