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Telecommunications Annual Reports

Telecommunications companies must file their Annual Reports with PURA no later than April 30. 
Filing Requirements
Section 16-247c-4 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies specifies the post-certification filing requirements and service standards pertaining to Certificated Providers of Competitive Telecommunications Services. 
If a company does not file its Annual Report by April 30, PURA will initiate proceedings and the company will be required to show cause why it should not be fined and/or its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity not be revoked in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) §§16-41 and 16-247g(e).

Annual Report Form

An electronic version of the annual report must be filed along with the signed and notarized hard copy.  
Protective Treatment
If a company requests protective treatment of its Annual Report, pursuant to the Decision dated October 10, 2007 in Docket Number 07-04-13, DPUC Review of Policies Regarding Protected Treatment of Telecommunications Companies Customer Count Information, the general policy regarding the protection of a company’s revenue, customer and/or access line data will be that such information provided in the aggregate will be ineligible for protection; however, the revenue, number of customers and access lines by services will be eligible for protection.
If companies can demonstrate that the requested information is a trade secret or commercially sensitive and disclosure of that information will cause them irreparable harm, the PURA may grant protected treatment pursuant to the CGS §§1-120 (b)(5)(A) & (B) & (8).
Additionally, the requested information is not subject to protective treatment as it is required by CGS §§16-49(3)(6).  Please see the PURA website instructions on how to file the proprietary/redacted information.



Content last updated May 2021