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PURA Calls for Third-Party Electric Suppliers to Cease Door-to-Door Sales during COVID-19 Crisis

Precaution to Keep Employees and Public Safe

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) announced today that it is strongly encouraging third-party electric suppliers to cease all doorto-door sales, effective immediately, in response to the current public health emergency in the state.

“We’re appealing to all third-party electric suppliers active in Connecticut to suspend their doorto-door solicitations during the COVID-19 crisis,” said Marissa P. Gillett, PURA chairman. “PURA will immediately begin monitoring the suppliers’ voluntary compliance with our request, while also continuing to investigate legal remedies to enforce the door-to-door solicitation suspension and any other measures necessary to address these unprecedented circumstances.”

Connecticut has 59 third-party electric suppliers licensed by PURA to do business in the state. Suppliers offer separate generation supply options to electric customers who choose to enroll with the third-party supplier rather than continue with the default standard service generation supply offered by Eversource and United Illuminating.

For the duration of the Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergency declared by Governor Lamont on March 10, 2020, PURA expects that the third-party electric suppliers will take immediate action to halt all door-to-door sales and to adopt any other necessary precautions to keep both their employees and the public safe.

PURA is sensitive to the impact this modification may have on the third-party electric supplier community, but is hopeful that the proactive adoption of common-sense practices like this one will help curb the overall impact of COVID-19 on the people of Connecticut. 


Taren O'Connor
Director of Legislation, Regulation and Communication