Starting in May, electric and gas utilities began notifying residential customers with unpaid and/or past-due balances that if they do not take action and contact their utility to enroll in a payment plan, they are at risk of having their services terminated. If your household has received a notification from your utility company, please contact them directly to set up a payment plan to keep your services on. These plans charge no interest, and all customers qualify at least once for one or more of these plans. After engaging with utility providers, customers may also contact PURA’s customer affairs unit for specific questions regarding payment arrangements. View eligibility, utility contact information:

Press Releases

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PURA to Release Final RFP in Equitable Modern Grid Proceeding on May 6

Suite of Six Grid Modernization Dockets to be issued

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) will issue Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Program Designs (RFPD) in its suite of six grid modernization dockets next Wednesday, May 6. The proceedings, numbered 17-12-03RE01 - 17-12-03RE06, cover specific topics related to modernizing Connecticut’s electric grid, including energy affordability, advanced metering infrastructure, energy storage, zero emission vehicles, innovation pilots and interconnection policies and procedures.
What: PURA press event and procedural conference webinar 

When: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

Where: Virtual webinar meeting via Zoom

Who:   Marissa Gillett, PURA Chairman; Joshua Ryor, Advisor to the Chair; Stefanie Keohane, Rate Specialist; and Stephen Capozzi, Public Utilities Engineer

Why: To provide information on PURA’s grid modernization efforts, give a brief overview of each of the six dockets and address questions of the press, media and other parties in attendance.


Taren O'Connor
Director of Legislation, Regulation and Communication