Starting in May, electric and gas utilities began notifying residential customers with unpaid and/or past-due balances that if they do not take action and contact their utility to enroll in a payment plan, they are at risk of having their services terminated. If your household has received a notification from your utility company, please contact them directly to set up a payment plan to keep your services on. These plans charge no interest, and all customers qualify at least once for one or more of these plans. After engaging with utility providers, customers may also contact PURA’s customer affairs unit for specific questions regarding payment arrangements. View eligibility, utility contact information:

Press Releases

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PURA Ruling Provides Additional Flexibility to Renewable Energy Projects Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic 

90-day extension offered on Delivery Term Start Date

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) issued a ruling today in Docket Number 19-06-36 that provides additional flexibility for eligible Low and Zero Emissions Renewable Energy Credit (LREC/ZREC) projects that may be experiencing delivery delays attributable to the ongoing public health crisis.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, PURA recognizes the continued adverse impact on the clean energy industry. In response, today’s ruling offers a 90-day extension on the Delivery Term Start Date (DTSD) to eligible projects that meet the following three criteria:

· The project is not currently in service;

· The project has a DTSD on or after April 1, 2020; and

· The project application or bid was submitted into the LREC/ZREC program before April 1, 2020.

PURA Chairman Marissa P. Gillett stated, “The importance of ensuring the LREC/ZREC program’s continued success as part of Connecticut’s vibrant clean energy industry cannot be overstated – not only for the program’s contributions to the state’s climate goals but also for its influence on the recovery of our in-state green economy. The LREC/ZREC program represents upwards of $80 million dollars per year invested in our state over the next decade, and more than $1 billion over the life of the program. It is incumbent on PURA to take all reasonable measures to ensure that money is invested here in Connecticut as intended by state policymakers.”

In a previous ruling dated April 8, 2020, PURA announced additional forms of relief for other LREC/ZREC projects not yet in service and also acted to extend this year’s LREC/ZREC solicitation schedule. The previously announced extension provided an extra month for projects to bid into the LREC/ZREC program solicitation and rescheduled other key informational dates to June.

Today’s action builds on PURA’s commitment to make meaningful, common-sense adjustments to program implementation guidelines whenever possible as we all continue to cope with these uncertain times. For more information on this year’s LREC/ZREC program solicitation, visit the Eversource and United Illuminating company webpages. For more information about PURA’s response to the COVID-19 crisis generally, visit PURA’s dedicated webpage available here.


Taren O'Connor
Director of Legislation, Regulation and Communication