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DEEP and PURA Release Final Resource Assessment, Appraisal, and Determination of Millstone Report
Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) today released the final Resource Assessment, Appraisal, and Determination of Millstone Report regarding the current and projected future viability of the Millstone nuclear generating facilities, the role of such facilities as well as others in meeting Connecticut’s carbon and other emission targets, and mechanisms to achieve those targets.
PURA Opens Rate Adjustment Proceeding After Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Today, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) initiated a proceeding to consider adjustments to rates that may be appropriate for Connecticut customers of regulated utilities, to account for revisions to tax laws—including corporate tax rates--contained in the recently enacted Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Tax Act).