Starting in May, electric and gas utilities began notifying residential customers with unpaid and/or past-due balances that if they do not take action and contact their utility to enroll in a payment plan, they are at risk of having their services terminated. If your household has received a notification from your utility company, please contact them directly to set up a payment plan to keep your services on. These plans charge no interest, and all customers qualify at least once for one or more of these plans. After engaging with utility providers, customers may also contact PURA’s customer affairs unit for specific questions regarding payment arrangements. View eligibility, utility contact information:

Request for Proposals to Retain a Process Monitor

This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks proposals from qualified consultant firms to serve as the Non-Wires Solutions Process (NWS Process) Monitor (Process Monitor), as designed and approved in the November 9, 2022 Decision in Docket No. 17-12-03RE07, PURA Investigation into Distribution System Planning of the Electric Distribution Companies - Non-Wires Alternatives, an extension of Authority staff. In addition to supporting Authority staff, the Process Monitor will facilitate the development of key materials during the Initiation Phase of the program cycle. Qualified firms will be required to demonstrate relevant administrative, economic, and engineering expertise, as further described in this RFP.

The Authority hereby issues this RFP and seeks proposals for administration of the NWS Process from qualified person(s) or organization(s) (Applicants) according to the following schedule:

 Release Date  December 22, 2022

 Notice of Intent to Bid

 January 13, 2023
Pre-Proposal Conference 
 January 13, 2023
Deadline for Questions   January 20, 2023

RFP Clarifications/Amendments

(Clarifying Question Responses)

 January 27, 2023
 Proposal Due Date  February 3, 2023

To facilitate communications, participants are encouraged to submit a Notice of Intent to bid by email to no later than Friday, January 13, 2023. The subject line of the email should reference "RFP #2022-04, Non-Wires Solutions Process."

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