As many CT customers are experiencing increases in electric bills, PURA is committed to hearing from the public. While we welcome feedback, please note that the best place to direct individual questions about your bill is to your utility company. Additionally, we kindly ask for your patience as PURA's small call center team works to respond to the large volume of inquiries being received. Please refer to these Frequently Asked Questions for further information: PURA FAQs

2023 Annual Rate Adjustment Mechanism Filings - RFP


In accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 16-18a, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (Authority or PURA) intends to retain a consultant to assist Authority staff in Docket No. 23-01-03, PURA Annual Review of The Rate Adjustment Mechanisms of The Connecticut Light and Power Company, and Docket No. 23-01-04, PURA Annual Review of The Rate Adjustment Mechanisms of The United Illuminating Company.

This RFP seeks proposals from qualified consultant firms to assist Authority staff in the prudency review of The Connecticut Light and Power Company d/b/a Eversource (Eversource), and The United Illuminating’s (UI) annual rate adjustment mechanism (RAM) filings, pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 16-11, 16-19b, 16-19e, 16-244r, 16-244t, 16-244v, 16-245g, 16245l, and 16-262c.


The following is the schedule for this RFP:

Release Date December 22, 2022
Pre-Proposal Conference
January 11, 2023
Notice of Intent to Bid January 13, 2023
Deadline for Questions January 20, 2023
RFP Clarifications/Amendments
(Clarifying Question Responses)
January 27, 2023
Proposal Due Date February 3, 2023

To facilitate communications, participants are encouraged to submit a Notice of Intent to bid by email to no later than January 13, 2023. The subject line of the email should reference "RFP #2022-05, 2023 RAM."

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