New Standard Service Rates for Eversource and United Illuminating (UI) customers, covering the period from January through June 2025, have been announced. Customers are encouraged to check the rate board for up-to-date supply rate options at Energize CT

Annual Report

Over the last 13 years, the responsibilities of the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA or the Authority) have transformed and expanded. In addition to its statutory charge to ensure that Connecticut’s investor-owned utilities, including the state’s electric, natural gas, water, and telecommunications companies, provide safe, clean, reliable, and affordable service, PURA also now oversees a half dozen or more programs, policies, and tariff designs that advance the state’s energy, economic, and climate goals. Given the growing importance of improving utility service and addressing the state’s climate goals, accessible and transparent communications and resources have increasingly become a necessity.

As a result, PURA has developed an Annual Report as a tool for increasing stakeholder engagement with and awareness of ongoing and future proceedings. As a quasi-judicial agency, PURA can only make decisions based on the record evidence placed before it. The Authority’s decisions, therefore, are made more robust with increased awareness and participation from diverse stakeholders.

The latest Annual Report provides a summary of the work completed by the Authority in 2023. In particular, the report provides both quantitative metrics on the Authority’s work, as well as abridged versions of key decisions across all of the industries regulated by PURA. Key information and developments from each section of this 2023 Annual Report are included below.

Watch: On Friday, March 1, 2024, PURA staff held a webinar to present the Authority’s 2023 Annual Report.





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