Prevention Services Funding

February 2003 Governor's Budget
-- for July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2005

Executive Summary

In 2001, Connecticut's General Assembly passed Public Act 01-121, An Act Concerning Crime Prevention and a State Prevention Council.

Public Act 01-121 created a State Prevention Council (Council) comprised of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, the Chief Court Administrator and the Commissioners of the Departments of Children and Families, Education, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Mental Retardation, Public Health and Social Services or their designees. Under Secretary Brian Mattiello from the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) serves as chair of the Council.

In addition, section 4 of Public Act 01-121 requires that for the biennial budget for fiscal years commencing July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2005, the Governor's budget document shall include a prevention report presenting in detail for each fiscal year the Governor's recommendation for appropriations for prevention services for the agencies that are members of the Council.

One of the Council's tasks was a report on appropriations for prevention services for the period July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002 for those agencies that serve on the Council. The attached budget builds on the Prevention Council's funding report providing actual expenditures for the period 7/1/01 - 6/30/02 for the programs that were included in the Council's report, as well as estimated expenditures for those programs for the period of 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 and recommended appropriations for the biennium budget period of 7/1/03 - 6/30/05. Also, included in the attached budget are any additional prevention programs implemented or proposed since the Council's initial report.

Please note that decisions on final funding levels for particular programs are subject to approval by the General Assembly. The figures included in this budget are estimates of allocations for prevention programs based on each agency's budget as recommended by the Governor. In addition, the amount of federal funding each agency will receive, and subsequent allocation decisions, may not be known for several months into the State's fiscal year.

For more information:

Contact: Pamela Trotman
Phone (860) 418-6359