Municipal Forms for Assessor, Tax Collector and Taxpayer

OPM Portal User

 Paper form  N/A  CEO  User Authorization To file required reporting in OPM Portal  N/A N/A N/A Debra McCarthy


 Paper application  Prior to date on which Assessor signs Grand List  Taxpayer  Application for Totally Disabled Exemption  Grant purposes. Must submit to Assessor with proof of disability  CGS 12-81(55)   none none Patrick Sullivan 

Declaration of Personal Property





Paper application November 1 Taxpayer Listing of assets with financial data   Determination of taxable personal property CGS 12-41 25% CGS 12-41 Municipal Assessor
M-1 OPM Portal July 1 Tax Collector Mill rate(s) and property tax levies Various state grant purposes CGS 12-9 and 7-325 $100 RCSA 12-9-2 Christine Goupil
M-13 OPM Portal May 1 Assessor Taxable grand list and property exemption data Equalized Net Grand List (ENGL) calculations and Annual report to the General Assembly CGS 12-120 $100 RCSA 12-120-2 Christine Goupil
M-13a OPM Portal May 1 Assessor Tax exempt grand list data Annual report to the General Assembly CGS 12-120 $100 RCSA 12-120-2 Christine Goupil


Paper report with electronic file submitted to OPM July 1 Assessor and Tax Collector Municipal Claim for Reimbursement - Elderly Homeowners Grant purposes and Annual report to the General Assembly CGS 12-170aa(g) $250 RCSA 12-170aa-4 Patrick Sullivan


Paper application February 1 - May 15 Taxpayer Elderly Homeowner Application Grant purposes. Statute requires submission to Assessor with proof of income CGS 12-170aa(f) none none Patrick Sullivan


Paper report October 1 Assessor Reductions to Elderly Homeowners Claim for Reimbursement Grant purposes CGS 12-170aa(i) $250 RCSA 12-170aa-4 Patrick Sullivan


Paper application with electronic submission by municipality April 1 - September 30  Taxpayer Application for Renter's Rebate Grant purposes. Statute requires submission to Assessor/Municipal Agent with proof of income and rent/utilities paid CGS 12-170f $250 Assessor or Agent RCSA
Patrick Sullivan


Paper report January 1 Assessor and Tax Collector Municipal Claim for Reimbursement - Elderly Homeowner Freeze Program Grant purposes and Annual report to the General Assembly CGS 12-129d $250 RCSA 12-129d-2 Patrick Sullivan


Paper report October 1 Assessor Reductions to Freeze Reimbursement Grant purposes CGS 12-129b(d) $250 RCSA 12-129b-2 Patrick Sullivan


Paper application February 1 - May 15 Taxpayer Application for Elderly Homeowner Freeze Program Grant purposes. Statute requires submission to Assessor with proof of income CGS 12-129c none none Patrick Sullivan
M-37 OPM Portal April 1 Assessor Report of State Owned Real Property Grant purposes CGS 12-19b $250 RCSA 12-129b-2 Christine Goupil
M-37C&H OPM Portal April 1 Assessor Report of Colleges and Hospitals Real Property Grant purposes CGS 12-20b $250 RCSA 12-20b-2 Christine Goupil


Paper report July 1 Assessor Municipal Claim for Reimbursement - Totally Disabled Program Grant purposes CGS 12-94a $250 RCSA 12-94a-2 Patrick Sullivan


Paper application  November 1  Taxpayer Tax Exemption Application for Certain Energy Systems  Exemption Application   CGS 12-81 (56), (57), (62), (63) None  None   Jennifer Gauthier
M-45 OPM Portal Monthly Assessor and Town Clerk Data concerning real property transfers Determination of sales/assessment ratios used in ENGL calculation CGS 10-261b $1 per form RCSA 10-261b-2 Patrick Sullivan
M-46 OPM Portal August 1 Assessor Municipal Claim for Reimbursement - Distressed Municipality Program Grant purposes and Annual report to General Assembly CGS 32-9s $250 RCSA 32-9s-2 Jennifer Gauthier
M-46A OPM Portal August 1 Assessor Distressed Municipality Program - real property exemptions Grant purposes. Statute requires submission with Form M-46 CGS 32-9s $250 RCSA 32-9s-2 Jennifer Gauthier
M-46B OPM Portal August 1 Assessor Distressed Municipality Program - personal property exemptions Grant purposes. Statute requires submission with Form M-46 CGS 32-9s $250 RCSA 32-9s-2 Jennifer Gauthier


Paper application November 1 Taxpayer Application - Distressed Municipality Program Grant purposes. Statute requires annual submission to Assessor 12-81(59), (60), (70) none none Jennifer Gauthier


Paper report with electronic file submitted to OPM August 1 Assessor and Tax Collector Municipal Claim for Reimbursement - Additional Veterans' Exemption Program Grant purposes and Annual Report to General Assembly CGS 12-81g $250 RCSA 12-81g-4 Patrick Sullivan


Paper application February 1 - October 1 Taxpayer Application for Additional Veterans' Exemption Grant purposes. Regulations require submission to Assessor with proof of income CGS 12-81g none none Patrick Sullivan


Paper application  November 1 Taxpayer   Application for Commerical Vehicle Exemption  Exemption Application  CGS 12-81 (74)   none none Jennifer Gauthier


Paper application   September 1 - October 30 Taxpayer Application for Maritime Heritage Land  Designation of land for assessment CGS 12-120f  none none Jennifer Gauthier 
MM&E OPM Portal  May 1  Assessor  MM&E Exemptions Annual Report to General Assembly  CGS 12-120c  none  none Jennifer Gauthier

Motor Vehicle Tax Bill

 Guidance N/A  Tax Collector Municipal Tax Bill Language with Scholarship Fund  Local Option CGS 12-169a  none  none Municipal Tax Collector
 PA-490  Guidance  N/A Assessor  Schedule of Unit Prices for Land Classification  Recommendation  CGS 12-2b(1)   none none  Jennifer Gauthier
Revaluation   OPM Portal      Demonstration  Within timeframe of signing Grand List  Assessor  M-64 Veterans, Performance Based Revaluation Certification  Statute requirements CGS 12-62  none  none  Jennifer Gauthier