Municipal Tax Collection Task Force - Final Report


Section 10 (a) of Public Act 95-228, subsequently amended by Public Act 96-217, Special Act 97-14 and Special Act 98-5 established the Task Force to Study Municipal Tax Collection Issues in the State of Connecticut. The Task Force had its organizational meeting in August of 1995. It established its charge, as dictated in the statute, as follows:

  1. Recommend state statutory and administrative changes needed to improve the administration of municipal property tax collection functions. These changes should consider increased coordination and sharing of information between state agencies and local governments;
  2. Recommend the terms and conditions under which municipalities could be authorized to outsource/sell property tax collection functions/mechanisms;
  3. Report on the latest technology and innovations in municipal property tax collection administration, as well as on the latest collection techniques used in the private sector which may be of benefit in collecting municipal taxes;
  4. Monitor the results of the pilot programs.

In order to carry out its charges, the Task Force established three subcommittees which are responsible for further research and analysis on the various issues under their specific charge. The subcommittees were Legal and Administrative, Privatization, and State/Local Partnerships.

The Task Force assembled its preliminary recommendations as of January 1, 1997 and August, 1998.  The Task Force remained in existence until January 1, 2001, at which time it submitted its final report to the Connecticut General Assembly.


Final Report


For Further Information, Please Contact:
William Plummer: phone (860)