Juvenile Justice & Youth Development
Programs & Grants
Police and Youth
The police and youth funding category supports initiatives to improve interactions between police and youth. The goals of the program are to promote positive youth development and to increase the numbers of police officers who are experienced and comfortable working and interacting with youth. Local public agencies may apply for funds to increase or enhance opportunities for youth and police to work together to benefit their community. See below for funding opportunities, awards, and additional links.
The Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) also has two publications of particular interest to police agencies are:
Children, Youth and the Police, Recommended Policies and Procedures, Revised 2015.
A Second Reassessment of Disproportionate Minority Contact in Connecticut's Juvenile Justice System, May 2009.
Another JJAC initiative is the patrol officer training curriculum "Effective Police Interactions with Youth", a one-day training class that teaches patrol officers about adolescent development and how to interact better with youth. The goal of the training program is to reduce the likelihood that interactions between police and youth will result in police action or negative outcomes for youth, particularly minority youth. For more information about when this training is offered, visit the Training and Events page.
Grantees under the Police and Youth program category may access reporting forms at the Grantee Reporting: Police and Youth page.
Police and Youth Awards

Connecticut Police Chiefs Association - Association of local chiefs of police in Connecticut. Provides links to legal resources and local web sites for participating members. (http://www.cpcanet.org/)
Connecticut State Police - Provides police and criminal investigation information. Part of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. (www.ct.gov/despp)
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) – Provides information, training conferences, and resources to support local implementation of D.A.R.E. programming. Contains information for officers, youth, parents and caregivers. (www.dare.com/home/default.asp)
Law Enforcement Exploring (a.k.a. Police Explorers) – Provides program ideas, training, study guides, and resources for adult and youth leaders of local police explorer programs. (www.exploring.org)
National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) – Training provider and resource center for law enforcement officers assigned to school environments. (www.nasro.org/home.asp)
National Police Athletic/Activities League (PAL) – Provides information and resources for local chapters of PAL, a youth crime prevention program that utilizes educational, athletic and recreational activities to improve police/youth relations. (www.nationalpal.org)
Office of Community Oriented Policing (COPS) – Provides information and links to training, technical assistance, and other resources on topics such as school safety, gangs, and underage drinking. (www.cops.usdoj.gov/default.asp?Item=47)