Adult Criminal Justice Policy & Planning

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program

Progress and Financial Report Forms are required to be submitted each quarter

         PDF to HTML Converter  JAG Financial Reporting Schedule For Non-Recovery Grants Only

      Link to Website for Recovery Grant

         PDF to HTML ConverterJAG Progress Reporting Schedule For Non-Recovery Grants Only

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TOP of pageOffice of Justice Programs Financial Guide

The OJP Financial Guide, which contains information on allowable costs, methods of payment, audit requirements, accounting systems, and financial records, is available on the OJP web site at  OJP Financial Guide 2008. This document governs the administration of funds by all successful applicants and their contractors.

TOP of pageFor Further Information, Contact:

Program Information and Financial Information: Stephen Moniz, Phone: (860) 418-6341; Fax: (860) 418-6496;