Research, Analysis & Evaluation


By virtue of the expertise and skilled professionals working in the Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit, it has been charged with the responsibility for creating, managing, and maintaining the overall internet presence for the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division.

Office of Policy and Management (OPM) Web Conversion Timetable:

April 30th: OPM finalized Folder/Category structure.

May 11th: OPM finalized decisions on navigation structure for site home page and division home pages.

May 21st: DOIT made a copies of existing site structure.

May 22nd: DOIT met with each Division. Files moved into the established Folders/Category structure.

May 21st – June 22nd: DOIT completed phase 1 and 2 of conversion.

May 29th and June 18th: : OPM Web Coordinators attended 1 day Portal training.

Developed Policies and Procedures for Division content owners to maintain uniformity and quality.

June 18th – July 19th: all pages checked using the Portal software. Web Coordinators completed changes and edits on or before Monday July 16th.

July 30th: OPM new website launched to public - First official Criminal Justice Policy & Planning Division Internet Presence.

Continue to perform ongoing maintainance and to hold periodic meetings for coordination of uniform standards and technology sharing.