Research, Analysis & Evaluation


The Sentencing Task Force (STF) made several data and analysis requests of the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division (CJPPD) at their August 20, 2007 meeting.  This task was subsequently assigned to the Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit.

The Task Force is seeking more information on those persons that have been convicted of burglary in Connecticut and some of their characteristics.

More details will be provided at an upcoming meeting and presentation planned for October 1st.

Please visit this page again for data collection and analysis activity updates.

A number of reports have been prepared relating to burglary crimes and statistics by the Office of Legislative Research (OLR).  These documents will serve as a foundation for this project.  The data found in these reports is generated using a supplemental information system developed by the Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA) that receives regular output reports from both the Department of Corrections and the Judicial Branch.  For questions related to the documents listed below contact Chris Reinhart,; 860-240-8400 
Additional Information
Below are STF key questions concerning persons convicted of burglary in Connecticut.
Deadline for DATA: Due from individual agencies by Sept. 19, 2007.
DATA NOTES: Requested data will be comparable to the OLR Burglary Statistics Reports referenced above.
Connecticut Burglary convictions involve the following Seven (7) Statutes by Degree of Burglary:
53a-101         Burg 1st
53a-101(a)(1) Burg 1st-Deadly Weapon
53a-101(a)(2) Burg 1st-Bodily Injury 
53a-102         Burg 2nd
53a-102a       Burg 2nd-firearm
53a-103         Burg 3rd
53a-103a       Burg 3rd-firearm

Timeframe: State Fiscal Years 2002 thru 2007 (July 1, 2001 thru June 30, 2007)
Criteria: By Degree of Burglary (See Statutes listed above)
  1. How many offenders have been arrested or charged with burglary? (DPS)
  2. How many offenders have been convicted with burglary? (CRMVS)
  3. Of those convicted, what was their degree of burglary? (CRMVS)

    Timeframe: Static Count, as of September 14, 2007
    Criteria: By Degree of Burglary (See Statutes listed above)
  4. How many offenders convicted of burglary are on probation? (CSSD)
  5. How many offenders convicted of burglary are incarcerated? (DOC)
  6. How many offenders convicted of burglary are on parole? (BOPP/DOC)

    Timeframe: Static Count, as of September 14, 2007
    From the representative sample of individuals found in Items 4 thru 6:
    Criteria: Aggregated by Degree of Burglary to provide a “profile”
  7. How many offenders convicted of burglary have prior convictions? (CSSD, DOC/BOPP)
  8. How many offenders convicted of burglary have prior convictions for burglary? (CSSD, DOC/BOPP)
  9. What is the age of the offender at the time of their first conviction? (CSSD, DOC/BOPP)
  10. What is the age of the offender at the time of their current conviction? (CSSD, DOC/BOPP)
  11. What is the average length of sentence either/or period of probation or period of incarceration? (CSSD, DOC/BOPP)
  12. What is the needs assessment score? Race, Ethnicity, Education, Town of residence? (CSSD, DOC/BOPP)
  13. How many went out on parole? (BOPP/DOC) Is this the same question as #6?
  14. What are their rates of violation compared to the rates of others on parole? (BOPP)

  15. How many offenders were convicted of residential burglary specifically?  (CRMVS/CCSU)
  16. How many offenders were convicted of burglary of an occupied dwelling? (CRMVS/CCSU)
  17. What programs reduce the likelihood of re-offending for those convicted of crimes, this includes but is not specific to burglary? (DMHAS)

    Convicted with Burglary and other crimes (expand to other crimes):
  18. How many offenders convicted of burglary were also convicted of other crimes? (CRMVS/CCSU) (DOC)
    a. How many offenders convicted of burglary were also convicted with larceny? What percent? (CRMVS/CCSU) (DOC)
    b. How many offenders convicted of burglary were also convicted with assault? What percent? (CRMVS/CCSU) (DOC)
    c. How many offenders convicted of burglary were also convicted with murder? What percent? (CRMVS/CCSU) (DOC)
  19. Do offender sentences run concurrently if convicted of other crimes and how is this counted? (CRMVS/CCSU) (DOC)

    Habitual or Persistent Offenders:
  20. How many offenders convicted of burglary are repeat (persistent) offenders? This may be found by those with sentences greater than the mandatory in the data systems. (CRMVS/CCSU) 
  21. Define violent offenses. (DOC - classification manual) (DPS - violence index) (BOPP 85% regulations defined)
  22. How many have multiple convictions for violent felony offenses?
  23. Of those convicted with burglary, what are the maximum, minimum and average offense times given/sentence (in days)?
  24. Do we know how many are eligible for repeat offender statute? (need more specifics)
  25. Describe types and levels of supervision – including GPS monitoring, HWH, etc. (BOPP/DOC)