Healthcare Benchmark Initiative Quality Council 

quality council
The Office of Health Strategy (OHS) formed the Healthcare Benchmark Initiative (HCBI) Quality Council to recommend a core set of clinical quality, patient safety, consumer experience, and over-and under-utilization measures or benchmarks. Council members include healthcare providers, health insurance experts, patient advocates, consumer representatives, state agencies and other experts from across the healthcare and related sectors in Connecticut.

The Council will recommend benchmarks and measures that:

  • Eliminate health disparities among people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals;
  • Ensure maintenance and improvement of healthcare quality, and;
  • Assess primary care, specialty and hospital provider, and public and private payer performance for the OHS Healthcare Benchmark Initiative, Primary Care Spend Targets, and HCBI Quality Benchmark.

    Quality Council Committee Resources

    HCBI Quality Council Meetings and Materials 

    Find the HCBI Quality Council meeting notices, agendas, minutes and other meeting materials.  

    HCBI Quality Council Members 

    Meet the members of the HCBI Quality Council.

    2024 Meeting Schedule 

    View the 2024 HCBI Quality Council Meeting Schedule.

    Quality Council Bylaws 

    Review the bylaws that govern the HCBI Quality Council.

    Quality Council Charter 

    Review the roles and responsibilities of the HCBI Quality Council.

    Quality Benchmarks 

    Explore the annual Quality Benchmark measures. 

    HCBI Program Page 

    Visit the Healthcare Benchmark Initiative program page.