In September of 1996, nursing home resident and activist Carol Rosenwald, with assistance from the Ombudsman Program, began organizing residents across the state to advocate for improvements in the long term care system.  Carol envisioned a time when the “VOICES” of nursing home residents could be heard “beyond the walls” of their facilities.  She became the founder of the Statewide Coalition of Resident Councils and the driving force behind the first “VOICES” Forum in 1997.  As a large group of voting constituents, residents were able to speak directly with political leaders and public officials about important issues affecting their quality of life.



The VOICES Forum is an annual event which provides an opportunity for Presidents of Resident Councils from around the State to gather and discuss issues and concerns in their homes. The Connecticut Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is the sponsor and partner of the Statewide Coalition of Presidents of Resident Councils and the VOICES Forum.  The Coalition of Presidents of Resident Councils is an organization of residents of long term care facilities who work together on the enhancement of the quality of their care and the quality of their lives.  The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program supports the Coalition in their efforts to effect positive change in larger systems such as local and state governments.


WHEN IS VOICES FORUM? Typically, the first Friday in October. This year (2024) it is Friday October 4th.  9am-2pm. But Check the VOICES Web Page for updates and confirmation of any changes year to year.

WHERE IS VOICES FORUM HELD? For the last several years we have held Voices at the Aqua Turf - 56 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CT 06479


WHO CAN COME TO THE VOICES FORUM? (1 Resident + 1 Staff Guest if needed) Voices is designed for resident council presidents to be able to come together annually and so ideally the resident council president or vice president are invited to attend. If the RCP and RCVP are unable to attend for whatever reason but would want another member of the council to come as an ambassador delegate, they can elect to have them come in their place and attend on behalf of their council. If the resident who attends on behalf of a nursing home needs assistance with Activities of daily Living then they can also elect to have one staff member also come to be present to assist them. The Maximum attendance per building is 2 individuals. 1 Resident and if needed 1 resident assistant (This can be a caregiver for the resident or the rec director themselves if they are assuming that role.) There are some very rare exceptions where another facility staff member or resident may attend, but you would want to confirm such with the state ombudsman prior to confirming such. We also always want to make sure that legislators who want to attend have the opportunity to do so. So please also forward the link to any legislator you think may be interested in attending the event.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO ATTEND THE VOICES FORUM? The cost to attend voices is FREE. The Facility is only responsible for getting the resident to and from the event.


IS LUNCH PROVIDED FOR THE EVENT? Yes, there is a choice between eggplant parmesan or chicken franchaise. additionally if individuals have gluten/celiac intolerance or other special dietary considerations such as chopped or puree food please note such when registering.


Can the Venue Do Gluten Free/Celiac Accommodations – Yes, once you register, reach out to and let them know that for your meal choice you would need an accommodation for Gluten Free.


IF A RESIDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT / FACILITY IS NOT ABLE TO ATTEND THE VOICES FORUM CAN THEY PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY? No unfortunately, we have not started live feeding the voices event because we want to encourage in person attendance. This is the only opportunity we get to have all presidents of resident councils together under one roof to discuss and share information.  So, while this may be a consideration in the future, we do not offer it at this time. However, we do eventually post all the voices content from the day on the website so that residents and facilities who would like to access previous voices content can do so.  This content from previously held VOICES events can be found Here: