Office of State Ethics to Select Lobbyists for 2021 Audit
Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator at Charter Oak State College Pays $3,500 Penalty to the Office of State Ethics
State Ethics to Select Lobbyists for 2020 Audit
Former DPH Employee Pays $2,500 Penalty to the Office of State Ethics
Office of State Ethics Executive Director Carol Carson to Retire August 1, 2019
Retired Office Of Policy and Management Employee Lisa Secondo Fined $5,000 for Ethics Code Violation
Office of State Ethics Withdraws Appeal of Court Decision Involving UCONN and Randy Edsall
Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board Seeks Legislative Remedy to Address Nepotism
Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board Accepts $13K Settlement for Lobbyist Violations of the Code of Ethics
Former UCONN Graduate Diversity Officer Charmane Thurmand Fined Maximum Penalty of $20,000 for Ethics Code Violation
Former CEO of Access Health CT James Wadleigh and State Contractor Softheon, Inc. Settle Ethics Cases, Pay Fines
State Ethics to Select 10 Client Lobbyists for Audit
Department of Public Health Official Pays Fine for Hotel Stay
Probable Cause Found in Alleged Ethics Violations by Former UConn Graduate Diversity Officer Charmane D. Thurmand
Statement of The Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board Regarding Public ACT NO. 18-175
Former Department of Transportation Supervisor Engineer Violates Revolving Door Provisions and Pays $3000 to Settle Ethics Code Violations
Former Office of Chief Public Defender Employee Pays $750 to Settle Ethics Code Violations
State Ethics to Select 10 Client Lobbyists for Audit
Former Lottery Board Chair Frank Farricker Pays Over $11K to Office of State Ethics for Using His Position for Improper Financial Gain $5,000 Penalty and $6,318.19 in Restitution to the State
State Department of Education Bureau Chief Pays $3,000 to Office of State Ethics
Former DMHAS Supervisor Pays $1,000 Penalty to Office of State Ethics for Using State Resources for his Outside Employment
Former Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Psychologist Pays $1,000 Settlement
Former Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Employee Dr. Leonad Lev Pays $3,500 to Settle Ethics Code Violations
State Ethics Selects 10 Client Lobbyists for 2016 Audit
Office of State Ethics Opens Comment Period Concerning Participation of CT Insurance Commissioner in Cigna/Anthem Merger
Department of Transportation Engineer pays $3,000 to Office of State Ethics for 'Use of Position' Violation
Former Connecticut Innovations (CI) Employee Pays the Office of State Ethics $16,000 Penalty for 'Revolving Door' Violation
Former Department of Transportation Employee Pays the Office of State Ethics $1,500 Penalty for 'Revolving Door' Violation
Former Department of Corrections District Food Services Manager Jason Rawlinitis pays $1,500 Penalty to Office of State Ethics for 'Revolving Door' Violation
State Ethics Selects 10 Client Lobbyists for 2015 Audit
Former Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Employee Dr. Manuel Rosales Pays $5K to Settle Ethics Code Violations
DMHAS Employee Dr. Jeffrey Gottlieb pays $1,500 to Settle Ethics Code Violations
Former DMHAS Employee Dr. Ralph Ford pays $15K to Settle Ethics Code Violations
Former State Military Department Employee Thomas Tracey Enters into Stipulation and Consent Order for Accepting a Gift from his Supervisor
State Ethics Enters into $3,000 Settlement with State Employee who Utilized State Resources on State Time for Private Businesses
Former State Military Department Employee James Liss Pays $5,500 Penalty to Resolve Ethics Charge
Former State Military Department Employee James Liss Proceeds to Hearing
$10,000 Penalty Paid to Ethics by Former DSS Contractor Craig J. Lubitski Consulting
Former DPH Employee fined $500 for Accepting Outside Employment that Impaired her Independence of Judgment
State Employee Operates Private Practice on State Time - Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board Issues $3,500 Penalty
Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board Issues $10,000 Penalty to Lobbyist Robert Silverberg of Glastonbury
Multiple Client Lobbyists fined by the Office of State Ethics For Failing to Report Meal Expenses At 2012 Democratic National Convention
Lobbyist Pays $2,300 to the Office of State Ethics for Late Registration and Disclosure
State Ethics to Select 10 Client Lobbyists for 2014 Audit
Former Access Health CT Employee Eldon G. Porter Fined $600 by Office of State Ethics
Two Client Lobbyists fined $5,000 Each by the Office of State Ethics
Failed to Report Reception Expenses at 2012 Democratic National Convention
Norwalk Community College President David Levinson pays $3,000 Penalty to Settle Allegations of Violations of the Code of Ethics
State Ethics Enters into Settlement with Former DEEP Employee
State Ethics Selects 10 Client Lobbyists for 2013 Audit
Former Office of the Healthcare Advocate Insurance Examiner Darlene West, Fined $500 by Office of State Ethics
Department of Transportation Official in Charge of US Route 7 Project pays $2,500 to Office of State Ethics for 'Conflict of Interest' Violation
Office of State Ethics Releases Audit Report for Public Official Financial Disclosure Statements
Former DCS Director of Project Management Kermit Thompson pays $2,000 Penalty to Office of State Ethics for "Revolving Door" Violation
Connecticut Office of State Ethics 2012 Ethics Conference
Connecticut State Representative Terry Backer Enters into $500 Settlement with the Office of State Ethics
Connecticut Citizen's Ethics Board Issues $10,000 Penalty
CT Office of State Ethics Reaches Settlements Relating to Violation of Revolving Door Provisions
Probable Cause Found in Alleged Ethics Violation by John Tricarico, Former State Contractor Hired by DOT Docket No.: 2011-69
State Ethics Reaches $2,500 Settlement with DCF Employee
State Ethics to Draw 10 Lobbyist Names for Audit
Ex-Music Department Employee Pays Penalty for Ethics Violations
Human Resources Manager for Connecticut Military Department
Pays $450 for Ethics Violations
Jon Green, Executive Director of the Connecticut Working Families Organization,
Fined $10,000 by Connecticut Office of State Ethics
Windsor Resident David W. Gay, M.G. (Ret.), named Chairman
of Connecticut Citizen’s Ethics Advisory Board
Former Connecticut Judicial Department Employee Tara Bateman
Pays $500 Penalty for Ethics Violation
Spouse of Western Connecticut State University Employee
Pays $400 for Ethics Violations
Public Official Statements of Financial Interests Availability
Dr. David G. Carter, Former Chancellor of the Connecticut State University
System Pays $2,000 for Ethics Violation
Carol Carson, Executive Director of the CT Office of State Ethics
Selected as 2011 Henry Toll Fellow
Former State Senator Ernest Newton Enters into a Consent Order for Ethics Violations
Over 500 Businesses to Lobby State Lawmakers
Western Connecticut State University Art Professor Jurg Lanzrein Pays $665 for Ethics Violations
Office of State Ethics to Draw 40 Lobbyist Names for Audit at June 17 Public Ceremony
OSE Releases Annual Report and Audit Results for Public Official Financial Disclosure Statements
State Contractor, CORE Associates, LLC, Pays $2,500 Civil Penalty for Alleged Ethics Violation
Connecticut Office of State Ethics Reaches $500 Settlement for Ethics Violations