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  • Grading - Mastery-Based Learning

    One of the primary goals of a mastery-based grading system is to produce grades that more accurately reflect a student’s learning progress and achievement, including situations in which students struggled early on in a semester or school year, but then put in the effort and hard work needed to meet expected standards.

  • Guidelines for Implementing Mastery-Based Learning

    In accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) Section 10-221a(f)(3) passed by the Connecticut State Legislature, the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is required to create and distribute guidance to support educators in schools and districts interested in implementing a mastery-based system as follows.

  • How Does Mastery-Based Learning Work?

    With mastery-based learning, all students must demonstrate what they have learned before moving on. Before students can pass a course, move on to the next grade level, or graduate, they must demonstrate that they have mastered the skills and knowledge they were expected to learn.

  • Instruction - Mastery-Based Learning

    There are many similarities between traditional classroom instruction and instruction in a mastery-based learning classroom. In both, there will be a need for direct instruction at times. Both approaches depend on defining the desired results. However, there are also differences.

  • Issues in Grading - Mastery-Based Learning

    Issues in grading and their implications.

  • Connecticut Online Application and Claiming System for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP System)

    The CNP System is a web-based software solution that provides Connecticut administrators, state users, and sponsors with efficient and immediate access to applications, claims, and related nutrition program functions for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs.

  • Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's CEP provides an alternative approach for offering school meals in local educational agencies and schools in low-income areas, instead of collecting individual household applications for free and reduced-price meals in school nutrition programs.

  • Professional Standards for School Nutrition Professionals

  • Special Education Data Collections Help Site

    This site is dedicated to helping you understand all the data elements and important processes within each of the data collections associated with special education data.

  • About the Collection: Noncertified Staff Collection

    CSDE uses the Noncertified Staff application to collect para-professional full-time equivalent (FTE) data in nine instructional and eleven non-instructional categories.

  • About the Application: PPR Narratives

    The Profile and Performance Report (PPR) Narratives are collected from all public school districts and are designed to collect information about school district policies and activities in several areas.

  • About the Collection: PSIS

    The Connecticut State Department of Education uses the Public School Information System (PSIS) to collect data regarding student enrollment throughout the state of Connecticut.

  • Connecticut Assessment Resource Guide for Specific Learning Disabilities in Reading and Written Expression

    The Connecticut Assessment Resource Guide for Specific Learning Disabilities in Reading and Written Expression, previously known as the Specific Learning Disability (SLD)/Dyslexia Assessment Resource Guide, was created in response to requests from educators and administrators from local education agencies and families seeking information about appropriate assessment options for the identification of SLD/Dyslexia and other reading-related learning disabilities.

  • Standards for Educational Opportunities for Students Who Have Been Expelled

    Connecticut law requires LEAs to offer an “alternative educational opportunity” to students who have been expelled in certain circumstances and further provides that LEAs may offer such an opportunity to any expelled student.

  • Related Resources