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  • Agency 2001-2002 Annual Report (103KB)

    HUSKY health care coverage (free or low-cost, depending on family income) enrollment increased to more than 209,700 children and teenagers, and expanded to about 80,000 parents and caregivers of children (income limits were increased to 150 percent of FPL on January 1, 2002).

  • Agency 2002-2003 Annual Report (230KB)

    Eligibility for parents and adult caregivers in HUSKY A households was decreased from 150% to 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL) on April 1, 2003, pursuant to deficit-reduction legislation.

  • Agency 2003-2004 Annual Report (147KB)

    During SFY 2004, the DSS Elderly Services Division administered approximately $23 million from the federal Older Americans Act and other federal and state funds to provide a multitude of services to an estimated 106,082 seniors.

  • Agency 2004-2005 Annual Report (712KB)

    Recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture for achieving a Food Stamp payment error rate of 4.94% for FFY 2004, that is below the national performance measure of 5.88%.

  • Agency 2005-2006 Annual Report (712KB)

    • As part of an interagency collaboration responsible for implementation of the Pilots Supportive Housing Initiative, the State of Connecticut was selected as one of seven national winners of the 2006 Innovations in Government Awards presented by Harvard University’s Ash Institute For Democratic Governance and Innovation.

  • Agency 2009-2010 Annual Report (442 KB)

    Connecticut Child Support Enforcement System (CCSES): Connecticut received$2,390,000 in ARRA funding for enhancements to the program’s automated system to increase location of noncustodial parents, improve establishment and enforcement productivity, increase collections, increase federal incentive dollars, and reduce future programming costs.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2010

    Fiscal 2010 saw the Department of Social Services delivering critical assistance to an increasing number of Connecticut residents against a backdrop of severe economic and budgetary challenges.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2011

    The Department of Social Services continued to deliver critical assistance to an increasing number of Connecticut residents during fiscal 2011. As the need for public entitlement programs like Medicaid coverage and food assistance remained on an upward trend, DSS staff sustained heavy workloads of application processing, eligibility determination and case maintenance.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2013

    The Department of Social Services delivered vital public benefits to nearly 760,000 Connecticut residents on an ongoing basis across all programs during SFY 2013.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2014

    The Department of Social Services' customer service modernization initiative, called ConneCT, was implemented statewide as SFY 2014 opened. ConneCT provides applicants, clients and the general public with multiple access points to the federal and state programs administered by DSS.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2015

    The department also recorded significant gains in Medicaid application processing, especially in the area of Long-Term Services and Supports. This area showed a sustained timely processing rate of 90+ percent throughout SFY 2015.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2016

    The Department of Social Services continued to deliver vital public benefits to more than 1 in 4 Connecticut residents in fiscal 2016. As the fiscal year closed in June, DSS was serving a total of 1,020,070 individuals across all programs.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2017

    The Department of Social Services continued to deliver vital public benefits to more than 1 in 4 Connecticut residents in 2017. As the fiscal year closed in June, DSS was serving approximately 1 million individuals across all programs. Agency field staff served the public directly at 12 offices and telephone Benefits Centers, while central office staff administered specialized services and supported field operations across the full range of direct and funded programs.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2018

    The Department of Social Services delivers and funds a wide range of programs and services as Connecticut’s multi-faceted health and human services agency. DSS serves about 1 million residents of all ages in all 169 cities and towns, supporting the basic needs of children, families and individuals, including older adults and persons with disabilities.

  • Agency Annual Report SFY 2019

    The Department of Social Services delivers and funds a wide range of programs and services as Connecticut’s multi-faceted health and human services agency. DSS serves about 1 million residents of all ages in all 169 cities and towns, supporting the basic needs of children, families and individuals, including older adults and persons with disabilities.