Long-Term Services and Supports - LTSS
While you are not required to utilize an attorney, obtaining legal advice prior to completing an application for Long-Term Services and Supports may help protect your finances and rights.
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) and Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) Applications
The Bridgeport, New Haven and Waterbury LTSS Application Centers now process all Medicaid applications for SNFs and ICFs regarding nursing home applications, based on the city or town where the facility is located.
The Greater Hartford LTSS Application Center will process all new Medicaid applications for home- and community-based services statewide (Medicaid waiver programs).
Application packets with as much documentation as possible should be mailed directly to the appropriate Long-Term Services and Supports Application Center.
Please check this table for which of the three LTSS Application Centers to use
Application for Long-Term Services and Supports (W-1LTSS)
Application for Long-Term Services and Supports- Spanish (W-1LTSSS)
To apply online, please visit www.connect.ct.gov, under ‘Apply for Benefits.’
Cash Application Process for Residential Care Homes (RCH) and Rated Housing Facilities (RHF) at DSS
The Bridgeport, New Haven and Waterbury LTSS Application Centers now process all cash applications for RCHs and RHFs regarding Residential Care and Rated Housing applications, based on the city or town where the home is located.
The Greater Hartford LTSS Application Center will process all new Medicaid applications for home- and community-based services statewide (Medicaid waiver programs). If applying for cash and a waiver at the same time, please send your application to the Greater Hartford office.
Application packets with as much of the required documentation that is available at the time of submission should be mailed directly to the appropriate LTSS Application Processing Center. NEW: Please use the W-1LTSS Application for Long-Term Services and Supports or the W-1LTSSS Application for Long-Term Services and Supports- Spanish to apply for cash.
For more information about our cash programs, please refer to: Economic Security (ct.gov)
Please check this table for which of the three LTSS Application Centers to use
To apply online, please visit www.connect.ct.gov, under ‘Apply for Benefits.’
Please note the LTSS Application Centers that process the new nursing home applications also support admissions and discharges affecting their area nursing homes in the ASCEND/AssessmentPro systems.
For questions specific to a pending case, clients may call the assigned caseworker directly. Applicants will be provided a worker’s contact information once the case is assigned. For all other general calls or questions, the DSS Benefits Center staff will be happy to serve you at 1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632).
The Long-Term Services and Supports Application Centers are processing new applications only. Renewals and Interim changes for Long-Term Services and Supports will continue to be processed through the statewide ConneCT model. This means that all paperwork for renewals and interim changes, should be sent to the:
DSS ConneCT Scanning Center
P.O. Box 1320
Manchester CT 06045
(not to the Long-Term Services and Supports Application Centers)