New Haven Advocate: Access remains limited in Connecticut to overdose reversal drug Narcan
FDA approves new hand-held auto-injector to reverse opioid overdose
WFSB: Doctors say heroin use has reached epidemic status
The Day: State responds to a growing heroin crisis
Waterford man's possible overdose death part of trend
Hartford Courant: Investigation Into Deadly Heroin-Fentanyl Mix Leads to 5 Arrests
Hartford Courant: Lawmakers Poised to Expand Access to Heroin Reversal Drug
Liberty Voice: Heroin Deaths Public Health Crisis Now
Associated Press: Heroin, cocaine-related deaths increase sharply in Connecticut last year
Associated Press: Holder: Heroin an urgent public health crisis
22 News/ (Western Mass): Schools get heroin antidote
Hartford Courant (Editorial): First Responders Could Help Cut Heroin Deaths
To stop the rise in deaths, equip all first responders with naloxone
CT News Junkie (OP-ED): Opioid Overdose and What Can Be Done to Save Lives
Hartford Courant: Deadly Heroin-Fentanyl Mix On Streets Prompts Police Warnings
Death of 14-year old girl in East Windsor adds urgency to investigation
The Day: Deaths from heroin in New London, Norwich doubled in 2013
L+M, Backus hospital see more overdose deaths
New Haven Register: 'Typical' heroin user in Connecticut is white, male, suburban; often unaware of what they're actually using