
Tick Species
Tick Removal
- Grasp it close to the mouth parts near the skin surface.
- With gentle, steady pressure, pull the tick upward away from the skin until it releases.

Tick Management
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) is the Nation's first state agricultural experiment station and was founded in 1875 to promote agriculture using scientific investigation and experiment. Their motto is "Putting Science to Work for Society", and is as relevant today as it was at their founding. The CAES conducts research on arthropod pests of food crops, ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs, turf, forests, and pests of public health importance. They enjoy many key accomplishments that include:
Made the first isolations of Lyme disease agents from Connecticut wildlife. (1983)
Developed antibody tests for laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease. (1984)

Ticks of the Northeastern United States
Tick-Associated Diseases
Personal Protection
Integrated Tick Management (including creating a Tick Free Zone)
Area-wide Chemical Control of Ticks
Biological Control of Ticks
CAES Tick Office & Tick Testing
National Tickborne Diseases Provider Reference Manual