Radon in Homes


Radon is a colorless, odorless gas. Testing is the only way to find out if your home has elevated radon levels. The DPH Radon Program recommends that Connecticut residents throughout the state test the air in their homes for radon. There are several different types of devices that measure radon in air and water.  There are short-term devices that measure for 2-90 days (usually 2-7 days) and long-term devices that measure for 91 days to one year. You have the option of hiring a professional to test for radon in your home. The CT DPH list of Nationally Certified Measurement Professionals includes individuals who are certified by one of the two national certifying agencies: AARST-NRPP or NRSB. In addition, many local health departments and districts provide free or discounted radon in air testing devices. 



If you are buying or selling a house:

  • Radon tests are often a part of a real estate transaction.
  • Requirements for radon testing and/or disclosure of radon levels may be required by law in your area.
  • EPA's booklet Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon can help identify and address buyer, seller, and real estate agent concerns.


If you are renting a home or apartment:

  • Requirements for radon testing and/or disclosure of radon levels may be required by law in your area.
  • EPA's booklet A Radon Guide for Tenants can help identify and address tenant and landlord concerns.


If you are building a new house:

  • Homes can be built to prevent radon entry. This is known as radon-resistant construction.  

  • Having your builder incorporate radon-resistant features into your new home adds very little cost.

  • Homes with radon-resistant new construction features should be tested for radon after occupancy.

  • Provide your builder with the EPA’s booklet Building Radon Out

  • The Connecticut State Building Code addresses Passive Radon Gas Controls for new construction. 

    Visit the
    New Construction page for more information.



Click on the links below to find out more about radon in homes: