Preventing Lead Poisoning in Your Day Care Facility
This two page fact sheet has been developed to assist child daycare operators that have businesses located in a building constructed prior to 1978 and require a comprehensive lead inspection.
Renovation Repair and Painting (RRP) Pamphlet for Child Care Providers
Informs child care providers responsible for renovation in a child day-care, of the requirements and importance of hiring a contractor that is EPA Lead-Safe certified.
Directions to find an RRP contractor on the EPA website.
Steps to Follow When Lead is Identified in a Child Daycare Facility
A flowchart developed to assist child day care operators and local health officials when lead hazards are identified in a child day care facility during a comprehensive lead inspection.
Who to hire for a Lead Inspection or Clearance Dust Wipe Sampling
Directions to access the CT eLicense website to download a roster of licensed lead consultants who employ certified lead inspectors and/or risk assessors.
Model Lead Hazard Remediation Plan for Child Daycare Facilities
This template form is to designed to assist child day care operators in the development of a lead hazard remediation plan that meets the criteria of the local health department.
A written plan describing how an intact surface with lead-based paint will be monitored to ensure that defective paint surfaces will be identified and abated.
Lead in Artificial Turf Fact Sheet
Fact sheet developed to educate the reader on the potential hazards of lead for children who play on artificial turf.