Eviction Prevention Fund
General Overview
Tenants with an active eviction against them with a summons and complaint, may call the UniteCT Call Center to schedule an appointment. As of April 1st 2024, the Eviction Prevention Fund provides eligible households up to 15 months or $8,500 in a one-time rental assistance payment to cover their rental arrears. If the tenant received previous rental assistance through the UniteCT program, the tenant's maximum assistance will carry through to the Eviction Prevention Fund. Thus, between the two programs the tenant is only eligible for up to 15 months or $8,500. The Eviction Prevention Fund is a one-time assistance program. A tenant cannot receive assistance from EPF more than once.
The Eviction Prevention Fund is only processing applications as long as program funds are available.
The tenant’s attorney or mediator will refer the tenant to the Call Center (1-844-864-8328) who will schedule an appointment at the UniteCT Resource Center to help the tenant fill out the application, and if approved, the check will be mailed directly to the landlord. Tenants may self-refer to the Call Center for assistance with an application. Tenants may not complete an application on their own without the assistance of a Resource Center staff. Unlike the UniteCT program, landlords are not required to fill out an online application, but instead landlords are required to attend a mediation appointment with their tenant to confirm the tenant’s rental arrears. If the tenant does not have access to an attorney to create a mediation agreement, then their Case Worker will help them set up an appointment with Quinnipiac Mediation Services.
To learn about the eviction process in Connecticut, click here.
Eligibility Criteria
• The household must have an annual gross income of less than 80% of the Annual Median Income (AMI). Further income restrictions apply if the tenant previously maxed out on UniteCT rental assistance, see the Program Overview document below for more details.
• Applicant must have a pending eviction as evidenced by the filing of a Summons located on the Superior Court Case Look-up website at the time the application is created.
• The tenant must currently live under the same address that is stated on their Summons & Complaint.
• Tenant must provide evidence of nonpayment of rent.
• Tenants who are subleasing are not eligible to participate in this program.
*For additional eligibility criteria, see the Program Overview document below.
The Application Process
Step 1: Tenant calls the Call Center to screen for eligibility and receive an appointment at the Resource Center.
Step 2: If the tenant is signed up for an in-person appointment, then they will bring their ID and 4 weeks of consecutive income for each adult occupant to their appointment. If the tenant is signed up for a phone call appointment, they will email these documents to their assigned staff member at the Resource Center before their appointment time.
Step 3: Tenant’s application is fully submitted by the Resource Center staff.
Step 4: Application is reviewed by a Case Auditor.
Step 5: If the tenant is found to be eligible, then the tenant will receive a Pre-Qualification Letter from their Case Auditor. If the tenant is not eligible, the application will be closed.
Step 6: Tenant’s landlord will receive a notification from the Eviction Prevention Fund describing the landlord's requirements – if a stipulated agreement is not already in place, the landlord must attend a mediation session with their tenant and submit a signed W9 to the tenant’s auditor.
Step 7:
If the landlord wishes to participate:
If a stipulated agreement is not already in place, the tenant and landlord may attend a mediation session to describe how the tenant is going to pay back their arrears if approved by the program. If the landlord is willing to participate, the household may receive up to 15 months or $8,500 to support rental arrears.
If the landlord does not want to participate:
If the tenant's current landlord does not wish to participate in the Eviction Prevention Fund, or the Case Supervisor cannot get ahold of the landlord within 14 days, or the tenant is issued a stipulation with a move out date, then the tenant will be referred to the Moving Assistance Program. These tenants that have a final stay stipulation with a move out date, a judgement for possession, or an execution may be eligible for the Moving Assistance Program, which covers security deposit at their new location. See the Moving Assistance Program website for more details. https://portal.ct.gov/DOH/DOH/Programs/UniteCT-Moving-Assistance-Program
Program Documents
• Eviction Prevention Fund Program Overview
• Stipulation / Mediation Agreement Cover Letter for Attorneys
• Eviction Prevention Fund Flyer - English
• Eviction Prevention Fund Flyer - Spanish
Yardi Login
• RentRelief | LoginTenant Resources
• Landlord Verification Form
• Zero Income Attestation
• Rental Arrearage Verification Form
• Attestation of Household Occupants
Landlord Resources
• Template of W9
• Rental Arrearage Verification Form
• Program Participation Affirmation
Appeal Process
Click here to submit an appealClick here to learn more about the UniteCT programs
Other Resources
Please consider working with other community stakeholders to help your household further the recovery from the pandemic:
- United Way 211 Infoline provides various services and resources for residents. Learn more by visiting www.211ct.org or calling 211 or 1-800-203-1234.
- Statewide Legal Services (SLS) provides free legal assistance to eligible renter households https://apply.slsct.org/ or 800-453-3320.
- American Job Centers offer no-cost services to jobseekers throughout the state. Learn more by visiting http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/JobCenterCT/Index.htm.
- Community Action Agencies provides links to numerous programs and resources for CT residents– Connecticut Community Action Agencies – Connecticut Association for Community Action (cafca.org)
- SOAR provides support for households needing to secure social security disability benefits- Connecticut | SOAR Works! (samhsa.gov)
- Housing Choice Voucher list for subsidized housing CT Housing Choice Voucher Program (cthcvp.org)
- Connecticut Institute for Immigrants and Refugees (CIRI) provides resources for refugees and immigrants - cirict.org or 203-612-5464
- LISC CT -Financial Opportunity Networks shares many services regarding financial literacy, budgeting and economic recovery Financial Opportunity Centers | LISC Connecticut Statewide
- CT Domestic Violence 24-hour hotline - 888-774-2900 (English) 844-832-9200 (Spanish), http://www.ctcadv.org
- Regional Workforce Development Boards: https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/rwdb/dir-rwdb.htm
- Right to Counsel offers free legal representation to income eligible tenants facing eviction or loss of subsidy. For more information, click here: RighttoCounselNotice093021.pdf (ct.gov)
- CT Domestic Violence 24-hour hotline - 888-774-2900 (English) 844-832-9200 (Spanish), http://www.ctcadv.org
- Apartment search ideas –
• www.cthousingsearch.org
• www.affordablehousingonline.com
• www.gosection8.com
If you wish to report any fraudulent activity under the UniteCT program, please use this link.