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UniteCT Moving Assistance Program


The Moving Assistance Program is only processing applications as long as program funds are available. 

Program Overview

The Moving Assistance Program is a “one-time only” program.
The Moving Assistance Program provides security deposit assistance for the following four populations:

Population #1Tenants who were recently evicted. These tenants have either a final stay stipulation with a move out date, a judgement for possession, or an execution. These documents must be filed in the court system after August 1st 2023. Once a tenant finds a new landlord willing to work with them, they may call the Call Center at 1-844-864-8328 and schedule an appointment to get their security deposit application filled out. If the tenant has not found a new landlord, they should NOT call the Call Center because they are not yet eligible for the Moving Assistance Program.


Population #2
- Tenants who have a state or federal rental subsidy (i.e. Housing Choice Voucher, State Rental Assistance Program, “Section 8,” etc.). A tenant must have a landlord willing to accept security deposit assistance through the Moving Assistance Program. Once the tenant’s future unit passes inspection, they may call the Call Center at 1-844-864-8328 and schedule an appointment to get their security deposit application filled out.


Population #3
- Tenants who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity should call 211 to be referred to a HUB. Tenants must already have a landlord willing to work with the program. Once referred to a HUB, tenant can receive information about how to access security deposit assistance. To learn about which HUBs are participating in the Moving Assistance Program, click here.


Population #4 - Tenants with a household income at 50% or lower of their town's Area Median Income (AMI). Once a tenant finds a new landlord willing to work with them, they may call the Call Center at 1-844-864-8328 and schedule an appointment to get their security deposit application filled out. During the appointment, the tenant will need to provide income documentation for each adult in their household covering the last 4 weeks. Click here to ensure the household is under 50% AMI:

For renters who meet the eligibility criteria above but are still looking for a landlord, you should call the UniteCT Call Center at 1-844-864-8328 and ask if you are eligible for the Matrix pilot.

• Matrix Flyer for Renters
Matrix Flyer for Property Owners

The Moving Assistance Program is administered by the Department of Housing’s UniteCT program.

Moving Assistance Program Flyer - Spanish
• Moving Assistance Program Flyer - English

Eligibility Factors

• Tenants must be moving into a unit located in Connecticut. 

 The household must have an annual gross income of less than 80% of the Annual Median Income (AMI).

•  A tenant will be ineligible if they already paid for their security deposit. This program does not issue reimbursements.

•  A tenant will be ineligible if they never move into the unit.

Required Documents

1.  Government issued photo identification

2.  Landlord Verification Form
a. A template can be found here

3.   Depending on the tenant’s eligibility category:
Population 1: The stipulated agreement with a final stay, judgement for possession, or execution must be uploaded to the tenant's Judicial docket. 
Population 2: HAP contract or similar document sent by the voucher issuer describing tenant’s contract rent and confirmation that unit passed inspection.
Population 3: Documentation from the HUB verifying the tenant's housing insecurity.


1. Government issued photo identification or a business license

2. Signed lease or Rental Terms Form
a. This lease must be at least 6 months. Month-to-month leases are NOT accepted.
b. The lease may include a contingency clause describing that the tenant may only move in if approved by the UniteCT Moving Assistance Program.
c. If both parties do not have a signed lease, the optional Rental Terms Form template can be found here.

3. A signed W9
a. The address on the W9 will be the address used to issue the check. Ensure this address is correct.
b. Template can be found here

4. A signed Landlord Affirmation Agreement
a. Template can be found here


The check will be made out to the landlord and will be sent to the address listed on the landlord’s W9.

 Checks will be received within 10-15 business days of application approval.

Additional Optional Resources for Tenants

 Notice to Tenants - English

 Notice to Tenants - Spanish

 Pre-Occupancy Walk-Through Checklist

Zero Income Attestation Form

Appeal Process: 

Click here to submit an appeal 

To Learn More: 
Click here to learn more about the UniteCT programs

If you wish to report any fraudulent activity under the UniteCT program, please use this link.


For Additional information call