DOH/CHFA Consolidated Application for Financial Assistance

Below is the current CHFA/DOH Consolidated Application for capital funding.  This application should be used as guidance only and not as part of the submission for either CHFA or DOH funding.  The actual application to be completed when applying for financing should be downloaded directly from the SharePoint website that must be established for all proposed applications.  See the instructions below for general instructions on setting up SharePoint for your proposal.

Consolidated Application

1.7 - Developer Activities and Obligations
4.3.a - Project Narrative
4.3.b - Homeownership Development Projects Narrative 
4.3.c - Market Assessment 
4.3.d - Program Narrative 
4.5.b - CEPA Intake Form 
4.11 -  Program Reform - Relocation Assistance Plan 
8.1.a - NEPA Statutory Checklist 
8.1.b - NEPA Environmental Assessment Checklist 
9.1.a - Fair Housing Impacts 
10.1 -  Certifications 
10.3 -  Affirmative Action Policy Statement 
10.4 -  Fair Housing Policy Statement 
10.5 -  Certification to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing 
10.6 -  HTCC Certification 
10.7 -  Architect Certification
12.8 -  Building Roster 
12.12 - HTCC Justification Form
13.1.1g - Acknowledgement of Guidelines for Resident Service Coordinators 
14.7 - RLF Leveraged Funds

Resource Document

General SharePoint Web App Instructions

DOH Policy Guidance

Conservation and Development Policies Plan 2013-2018
Housing Policies for State Funded Development
DOH DRAFT Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development
HOME Program Compliance Manual
DOH Insurance Requirements
HOME and NHTF Maximum Per Unit Subsidy 2023
HOME Maximum Purchase Price or After-Rehab Value Limits

CHFA Policy Guidance

CHFA LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)
CHFA Very-Low Income Policy
CHFA Management Agent Approval Requirements
CHFA Supportive Housing Guideline
Multifamily Design and Construction Standards
Construction Costs
Energy Conservation & Sustainability
Environmental and Hazardous Materials
Project Planning and Technical Review
Eligibility Policy         
Cost Policy     
Energy Efficiency Policy   
Multifamily Guidelines for Market Studies
Technical Services/Asset Management (TSAM) and Capital Improvement Guide
Compliance Reporting Requirements (including insurance)
Affirmative Action Compliance

Income, Rent and Utility Limits

Combined Income and Rent Limits 
LIHTC Program Income Limits and Gross Rents
Utility Allowance
Connecticut Geographic Areas


CPD Notice 96-05
Procurement Requirements and Guidelines
Labor Packet 
Worker's Pocket Guide - Working on Davis Bacon Projects
New "Notice to All Employees" Poster 
Procurement Workshop 6/16/2021  
Procurement Workshop PowerPoint Presentation 
Procurement Workshop Q & A

Energy Efficiency and Utility Incentives

UI Presentation
Incorporating Utility Incentives
Multifamily Initiative Project Fill Out Form

Architectural and Environmental

HOME Design and Construction Standards and Requirements
Proof of Environmental Insurance
Project Notification Form
National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP)

Floodplain Management and Compliance

Acquisition and Relocation

Lead Paint

Lead Paint Pre-Renovation Rule
Protect Your Family Lead Paint Booklet
Protect Your Family Lead Paint Booklet (Spanish)

Minority and Small Business Set-Aside Program Information

Notification to Bidders
Sample Affirmative Action Plan

Closing Checklist Material

Political Contribution Restriction Certifications (SEEC 10)
Nondiscrimination Certification
Sample AA Transmittal Letter to CHRO
Architect's Certification
Project Signage - CHFA, DOH, DECD
Project Signage – DOH, DECD 
Project Signage - HOME, NHTF, ARPA