Debt Negotiators Licensed in Connecticut

"Debt negotiation" means, for or with the expectation of a fee, commission or other valuable consideration, assisting a debtor in negotiating or attempting to negotiate on behalf of a debtor the terms of a debtor's obligations with one or more mortgagees or creditors of the debtor, including the negotiation of short sales of residential property or foreclosure rescue services. 

Note: “debtor”, “mortgagee”, “short sale”, “residential property” and “foreclosure rescue services” are further defined in Section 36a-671 of the C.G.S

Please note that 1) attorneys practicing law in Connecticut, 2) banks and credit unions, 3) licensed debt adjusters and 4) non-profits are all exempt from this license.

Questions concerning debt negotiators may be directed via email to Anne Cappelli at the Consumer Credit Division.

To verify that a debt negotiator is licensed to do business in Connecticut, please use the NMLS Consumer Access link below.

NMLS Consumer Access is a fully searchable website that allows the public to view information concerning state-licensed debt negotiators.

NMLS Consumer Access Button

Debt negotiators licensed to do business in Connecticut are listed alphabetically below by entity name.  All listings include:  entity name, license number, license name and address.  Please click on the link below to download the file.

Downloadable Debt Negotiation Licensee List as of February 4, 2025

**Windows users tip: once file is downloaded simultaneously select
the "control" and "F" keys to find a particular name.