Consumer Collection Agencies
Licensed in Connecticut

No person or entity shall act within this state as a consumer collection agency unless such person or entity has first obtained a consumer collection agency license for such person’s main office and each branch office where such person’s business is conducted.

“Consumer collection agency” means any person or entity who is:  (A) engaged as a third party in the business of collecting or receiving payment for others on any account, bill or other indebtedness from a consumer debtor, (B) engaged in the business of debt buying, or (C) engaged in the business of collecting or receiving tax payments, including, but not limited to, property tax and federal income tax payments, from a property tax debtor or federal income tax debtor on behalf of a municipality or the United States Department of the Treasury, including, but not limited to, any person who, by any device, subterfuge or pretense, makes a pretended purchase or takes a pretended assignment of accounts from any other person, municipality or taxing authority of such indebtedness for the purpose of evading the provisions of this section and section 36a-801 to 36a-814, inclusive, as amended from time to time.  Also includes a person or entity who furnishes collection systems carrying a name which simulates the name of a consumer collection agency and who supplies forms or form letters to be used by the creditor, even though such forms direct the consumer debtor, property tax debtor or federal income tax debtor to make payments directly to the creditor rather than to such fictitious agency.  It further includes any person who, in attempting to collect or in collecting such person’s own accounts or claims from a consumer debtor, uses a fictitious name or any name other than such person’s own name which would indicate to the consumer debtor that a third person is collecting or attempting to collect such account or claim. 

NOTE: “Consumer debtor”, “Creditor”, “Municipality”, “Organization”, “Property tax” and Property tax debtor” are all further defined at Section 36a-800 of the C.G.S.

Questions concerning consumer collection agencies may be directed via email to Anne Cappelli at the Consumer Credit Division.

To verify that a consumer collection agency is licensed to do business in Connecticut, please use the NMLS Consumer Access link below.

NMLS Consumer Access is a fully searchable website that allows the public to view information concerning state-licensed consumer collection agencies.

NMLS Consumer Access Button

Consumer collection agencies licensed to do business in Connecticut are shown below listed alphabetically by entity name. All listings include:  entity name, license number, license type and address.  Please click on the link below to download the file.

Downloadable Consumer Collection Agency Licensee List as of February 4, 2025

**Windows users tip: once file is downloaded simultaneously select the "control" and "F" keys to find a particular name.