Connecticut's Produce Safety Program


Welcome to the CT Department of Agriculture (DoAg) Produce Safety and Inspection Program. As of 2021, the US-FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - Produce Safety Rule (PSR) is now being enforced in Connecticut. This inspection program is mandatory for Fruit and Vegetable Growers selling over $25,000 (adjusted for inflation) annually in produce sales (certain exemptions apply, see qualified exemption below) and for all Sprout Growers (no exceptions). The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is the most sweeping reform of food safety laws in more than 70 years. It was signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011.   

One of these regulations, "Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption," is of critical importance to growers of fresh produce. Known more simply as the "Produce Safety Rule," this regulation establishes, for the first time, science-based minimum food safety standards for growing, harvesting, packing, and holding fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and sprouts intended for human consumption.

We have developed this page to help you access the following resources:

1. The Produce Safety Rule (PSR): Produce Farm and Grower Registration Requirements
2. Connecticut Good Agricultural Practices (CGAP) Program for Produce Growers
3. How to Locate Registered Produce Growers and Registered Farms Participating in CGAP 
4. Grower Training
5. DoAg Grants: Financial Assistance 

1. The Produce Safety Rule: Produce Farm and Grower Registration Requirement 

Why CT Produce Growers Must Comply to the PSR
Connecticut General Statute 22-39g authorizes DoAg to enforce US-FDA FSMA, Part 112, the Produce Safety Rule (PSR)  as of 2021. This state statute requires firms growing fruits, vegetables and sprouts for human consumption to comply with the food safety requirements of the PSR. This involves registering your farm with DoAg. DoAg and UConn CAHNR Extension have continued their partnership to enable a smoother transition for farmers and growers.

Farms Subject to the PSR Rule

All fruit and vegetable growers selling over $25,000 (adjusted for inflation) annually in produce sales and all sprout growers are subject to inspections of the growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fresh fruit and vegetables, and growing sprouts for human consumption. All fruit and vegetable growers selling over $25,000 (adjusted for inflation) annually in produce sales and all sprout growers must register your agribusiness in the eLicense portal. Please refer to our decision tool to help determine where your farm falls and whether you need to register, claim an exemption or submit a declaration. 

Farms Can Apply for a Qualified Exemption from the PSR
There is an opportunity to ask for a Qualified Exemption from PSR. To be eligible for a qualified exemption, the farm must meet two requirements: 

  1. The farm must have food sales averaging less than $500,000 (adjusted for inflation) per year during the previous three years; AND 
  2. The farm’s direct sales to qualified end-users must exceed sales to all other buyers combined during the previous three years. A qualified end-user is either (a) the consumer of the food (in any location) or (b) a restaurant or retail food establishment that is located in the same state or the same Indian reservation as the farm or not more than 275 miles away. Restaurants and retail establishments located in another state or country may be qualified end users if they are within 275 miles of the farm. 

Your farm business must register and submit a Declaration on the eLicense portal to the CT Department of Agriculture (DoAg) to claim your exempt status. 

Please Note:

  • Farms may be eligible for a qualified exemption and associated modified requirements (§ 112.5, § 112.6).
  • A farm with the qualified exemption must still meet certain modified requirements, including prominently and conspicuously displaying the name and the complete business address of the farm where the produce was grown either on the label of the produce or at the point of purchase. These farms are also required to establish and keep certain documentation.
  • The exemption does not exempt you from keeping certain records (§112.7) that qualify you for the exemption, including a written record reflecting that you have performed an annual review and verification of your farm's continued eligibility for the qualified exemption. 

Farms That are Not Required to Registered May Voluntarily Register
Farms with less than $25,000 (adjusted for inflation) in annual produce sales are not required to register or be inspected. These farms may submit a Declaration on the eLicense portal to inform the Department that they are exempt.

How to Use the eLicense System
A step-by-step guide, "How to Use the eLicense System for Fruit and Vegetable Growers", has been created to assist you in using eLicense and registering. There is a registration fee depending on your coverage status. Some programs, such as CGAP, may require inspection fees. Please refer to our decision tool to help determine where your farm falls and whether you need to register, claim an exemption or submit a declaration.

IMPORTANT: Farms that are required to register pursuant to the Produce Safety Rule must have at least one person trained in the FDA Produce Safety Rule. Any farm growing and selling fruits and vegetables regardless of size can attend the Produce Grower Training discussed below


Farms that are Subject to the Produce Safety Rule Inspection

Covered farms subject to inspection must comply with the requirements of the Produce Safety Rule (21 CFR 112). The FDA has created an informational handout for farmers and growers explaining “What to Expect of a Regulatory Inspection”.

Please note: All produce farmers and growers, regardless of size and circumstance are subject to for-cause inspections such as a foodborne illness investigation or complaint investigations. While some growers may be exempt or not covered by the PSR, all growers should be prepared to implement food safety practices because they grow food people eat. Growers may also sell to buyers that require the implementation of food safety practices, including those required in the regulation.

2. Connecticut Good Agricultural Practices (CGAP) Program for Produce Growers

Voluntary CGAP
The Department's CGAP program is voluntary food safety audit program for produce growers. CGAP builds on the FDA Produce Safety Rule and adds additional requirements for records, a recall program and training programs designed to enhance the food safety culture on the produce farm. After a successful audit by DoAg auditors, CGAP participants are provided a certificate they can provide to their wholesale customers that verifies their status in the CGAP program. Farm businesses wishing to participate can register for the DoAg CGAP using the eLicense portal and by reaching out directly to Additionally produce growers can utilize 3rd party GAP programs or USDA’s GAP program. To understand the differences between GAP and the produce safety rule the Association of Food and Drug Officials have created a document for download.


3. How to Locate Registered Produce Growers and Registered Farms Participating in CGAP 

Looking for the current registered produce growers enrolled in the Department’s CGAP program? Reach out to our Produce Safety Unit at . 


4. Grower Training

UConn Extension: Understand, Train and Get Prepared to Comply
DoAg has long held a partnership with UConn Extension. UConn Extension plays a key role in your firm successfully complying with the PSR. If you are a produce farmer or grower you will find contacts and information to help you understand, prepare and implement produce safety requirements for your business. Visit the UConn Extension’s Food Safety for Farmers and Growers webpage. Also, you will find experts that can prepare you and your business for a successful inspection or audit.

Stay Current: Sign Up for Produce Safety Email List
Any produce grower, retailer, distributor, service provider, or regulator can keep up with current information to help you better understand produce safety issues. Sign up for a UConn Extension Produce Safety email list. You will receive news about PSR, GAP audits, training and more. 

On-Farm Readiness Reviews Available
To prepare your farm for PSR or a third-party audit like CGAP, produce farms can participate in a free UConn Extension On-Farm Readiness Review (OFRR).  During an OFRR, a trained UConn Food Safety Extension Educator will visit your farm and review your practices and devise a plan for you to comply. Even if you are exempt, you can still participate in an OFRR. These are educational in nature, not a regulatory situation. To arrange a free OFRR, contact UConn Extension Educator, Indu Upadhyaya for training and education opportunities.

Produce Safety Training: How to Sign Up for UConn-Offered Produce Safety Alliance Training
The PSR states/requires at least one responsible person from each farm trained in an FDA approved food safety curriculum. So far, there is only one such curriculum, the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training. You can read more about the training on UConn Extension's Alliance Grower Training webpage. UConn Extension generally offers the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training about two times a year. This is based upon the number of participants and availability, so the frequency will vary. To be notified of the course registration information, email More information about the actual training class can be found at Produce Safety Alliance site at Cornell

For questions regarding Produce Safety Training or OFRR's, please contact:
Indu Upadhyaya, DVM, MVSc, PhD
Cell: 860-786-8191 (preferred)
Phone: 860-871-0776

5. DoAg Grants: Financial Assistance

The Department does have grants open to variance segments of the agricultural community. Review the DoAg grant programs here. 


Questions, Concerns or Assistance

For questions regarding the PSR or CGAP, please contact:
The Produce Safety Unit  
Phone: 860-713-2522

For assistance with the eLicense portal, please contact:
The Licensing Unit  
Phone: 860-713-2512

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