Farm Transition Grant (FTG)


Application Period: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 – Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at 4:00 pm. 

All Farm Transition Grant applications are required to be submitted through Cognito.

Apply via the application link below for the suitable category


New Farmer Micro Grant Application


Infrastructure Investment Application


Research & Development Application


Innovation & Diversification Application

A complete application contains the following. All needed forms and attachments can be found in the Documents/Forms section.

   New Farmer Micro Grant Applications

1.      Attachment of a Crop or Specialty Crop plan (or both, if applicable).

2.      Attachment of a landlord agreement (if applicable). 

3.      Completion and attachment of the Farm Transition Grant Budget and Project Timeline Workbook.

4.      Completion and attachment of the New Farmer Micro Grant Narrative.

5.      Attachment of conceptual drawings, estimates/quotes, product information, or other budget justification materials.

Infrastructure Investment Grant, Research and Development Grant, and Innovation and Diversification Grant Applications

1.      Attachment of a landlord agreement (if applicable).

2.      Completion and attachment of the Farm Transition Grant Budget and Project Timeline Workbook.

3.      Completion and attachment of the Infrastructure Investment Grant, Research and Development Grant, and Innovation and Diversification Grant Narrative.

4.      Attachment of conceptual drawings, estimates/quotes, product information, or other budget justification materials.