Agricultural Business Development & Assistance
The Agricultural Development Unit of the agency's Bureau of Agricultural Development & Resource Preservation is the primary contact for agricultural business development. The Bureau of Aquaculture may also be of assistance when the goal is to establish or develop an aquaculture-based business.
- Animal Population Control - Feral Cat Grant
- Connecticut Grown for Connecticut Kids Grant
- Agricultural Enhancement Grant (formerly Farm Viability Grant)
- Farm Transition Grant
- Restoration, Resiliency & Preparedness - Próximamente habrá un documento de orientación en español y materiales.
- Farmland Research RFP
- Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program
- Organic Certification Cost Share Grant Program
- Specialty Crop Block Grant
MARKETING ASSISTANCE - visit the following links to learn about the various services and programs the Department of Agriculture has to offer you:
- Connecticut Grown Program
- Export Assistance
- Connecticut Weekly Agricultural Report
- Connecticut Grown Farm Listing Program