Training for Municipal Inland Wetlands Agencies 

radial button  The Municipal Inland Wetlands Agency Comprehensive Training Program 

radial button  Continuing Education WorkshopsPeople attending a workshop, listening to a presenter.

radial button  Archived Training Material

radial button  Training Videos

radial button  Newsletter for Municipal Inland Wetlands Agencies

The Municipal Inland Wetlands Agency Comprehensive Training Program

This free, online training program was custom built to allow municipal inland wetlands agencies and their staff to carry out their regulatory and training duties under the Connecticut Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act (IWWA).

The program consists of 8 modules and is designed with text and video content, interactive activities, and module assessments to allow you to review and digest the material at your own pace. The DEEP will issue a Certificate of Achievement upon successful completion of the program. 

It is strongly recommended that all new municipal inland wetlands agency members and staff complete the training. Veteran members and staff can benefit from taking the course as it provides a good review of fundamental subject matter.

This online training program fulfills the requirement pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) section 22a-42(d) that at least one member of the inland wetlands agency or staff of the agency be a person who has completed the comprehensive training program. This course also fulfills the training requirement for duly authorized agents pursuant to CGS section 22a-42a(c)(2)

The training program is not limited to municipal officials, and DEEP encourages participation by anyone interested in learning about the IWWA, the municipal inland wetlands agency permitting process, the functions and values of inland wetlands and watercourses, habitat enhancement and restoration techniques, and more! 


Continuing Education Workshops

Continuing education workshops provide an opportunity for municipal inland wetlands agency members and staff to complement their knowledge with additional training. Workshop offerings consist of a legal and administrative updates program, and technical field oriented classes. Municipal inland wetlands agencies are notified as programs are scheduled.

Presentation outlines and training material from 2013 through present can be viewed by year on the Continuing Education Workshops page.

Archived Training Material

Prior to 2013, training was offered to municipal inland wetlands agencies in a three-segment format. Presentation outlines and training material can be found using the Segment links below. Note, due to the age of the material, there may be an outdated reference. Overall, the information is applicable and is being provided for educational and transparency purposes.

  • Segment 1: This material is now available through The Municipal Inland Wetlands Agency Comprehensive Training Program
  • Segment 2: This segment provided annual case law, administrative and resource updates, and was recommended for all agency members and staff. Presentations and training materials are organized by year. 
  • Segment 3: This segment explored technical topics with both classroom presentations and a field component, and was designed for agency staff and experienced agency members. Presentations and training materials are organized by year. 

Training Videos

Three award winning videos, which review fundamentals, have been produced to complement training.

Municipal Inland Wetlands Agency Training Video Series 1Introduction - Connecticut's Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act: This interactive video introduces the law and examines municipal inland wetlands agency responsibilities such as conducting meetings and public hearings, making the record, and time lines for applications. 
Municipal Inland Wetland Agency Training Video Series 2

Map Reading & Site Plan Review: This humorous video takes an imaginative journey with new inland wetlands agency member Harvey Windsor as he learns to navigate various maps and site plans. 

Municipal Inland Wetland Agency Training Video Series 3The Functions and Values of Wetlands and Watercourses: This stunning video provides a visual exploration of the functions and values of wetlands and watercourses, focusing on the key areas of hydrology, ecology and land use.

The three videos are available as DVDs while supplies last. If you are unable to view the links above, or prefer a DVD, please contact the Inland Wetlands Management Program at (860) 424-3019. You may request one, two, or all three DVDs. There is no cost.

The preferred browser for viewing the videos is Internet Explorer (use Windows Media Player to view WMV files, this is typically the default player in IE) or Firefox (WMV files can be played in Firefox with the Windows Media plugin). Google Chrome will not automatically play WMV files. You will need to download and install a media player or plugin that will stream the WMV files. You may also find success by clicking on the "Larger View using Windows Media Player" link on the left side of each video chapter page. In addition, WMV files will not automatically play in Mac products. There are a number of programs that will play WMV on Mac that can be downloaded from the Mac App Store. You can also convert WMV to MOV and then the MOV files can be opened using the QuickTime Player.

Newsletter for Municipal Inland Wetlands Agencies

An e-Newsletter offering guidance and articles on a variety of municipal inland wetlands agency administrative, statutory, and management issues can be viewed on the A Newsletter for Municipal Inland Wetlands Agencies page.

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Content Last Updated on February 7, 2022