Social Media - State Parks Centennial Celebration
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Information about Connecticut State Parks including upcoming Centennial events and activities. 
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Twitter lets users subscribe to receive brief updates or "tweets " (a maximum 140 characters) from others whom they choose to "follow."

State Parks - Follow three of Connecticut's premiere shoreline parks - Hammonasset, Rocky Neck and Sherwood Island:
  • Hear about events and fun activities occurring at the parks and nature centers.
  • Receive regular park status updates – i.e., closed due to the park reaching capacity, traffic conditions, water quality reports.
  • Learn more about the parks.
  • Stay abreast of projects taking shape within the parks.
Follow us at: / @hammonasset / @CTrockyneck / @CTsherwoodislnd  (no "a")
YouTube Logo
Visit CT DEEP’s YouTube channel at Features a variety of videos covering our state parks and forests, Earth Day, and how we can all work together to protect our air, water and lands.

Content last updated May 1, 2013