Connecticut Interagency PFAS Task Force

PFAS Action Plan Title PageOn November 4, 2019, Governor Ned Lamont officially released the PFAS Action Plan prepared by the Connecticut Interagency PFAS Task Force.  The plan recommends a comprehensive series of actions to address per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Connecticut.

    Implementation of the CT PFAS Action Plan has been assigned to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), Department of Public Health (DPH), and other state agencies.  An update on actions completed to-date was provided by DEEP and DPH to the Task Force on December 8, 2022.  

    For more information please contact:

    • Meghan Lally - CT DEEP Remediation Division, PFAS Lead
    • Pat Bisacky - CT DPH Emerging Contaminants Unit, Supervising Environmental Analyst

    Task Force Process

    The Interagency PFAS Task Force was established by Governor Ned Lamont on July 8, 2019 to protect Connecticut residents and the environment from the harmful effects of PFAS.  This Task Force, which was led by the DPH and DEEP and included representatives from a broad variety of state agencies, was tasked with delivering a PFAS Action Plan to Governor Lamont containing a comprehensive strategy to:

    1. Minimize human health risk for Connecticut residents,
    2. Minimize future releases of PFAS to the environment, and
    3. Identify, assess, and clean up historic releases of PFAS to the environment.
    To address these three focus areas, the Task Force established committees on:
    These committees welcomed participation from all interested stakeholders. Over 400 public comments were received during the public comment period following the release of the draft action plan. After review and careful consideration of each comment, the draft plan was revised, to reflect public input.  

    Task Force Meetings and Webinars

    A photograph of the PFAS Task Force Meeting held on August 28, 2019. Task Force members are seated around a meeting table, while members of the public, state agency staff, and other interested parties observer from seats along the site of the room.
    December 8, 2022- Task Force Meeting

    September 18, 2019 - Task Force Meeting

    August 28, 2019 - Task Force Meeting


    Content Last Updated January 27, 2025.