Trichloroethylene (TCE) Developmental Risks

As a result of the increased understanding of the developmental risks posed by TCE, the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH) and Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) developed joint guidance in February 2015.  The main document (Trichloroethylene (TCE) Indoor Air Guidance to Protect Building Occupants from Developmental Risk) lays out guidance for handling situations where women of childbearing age may be exposed to TCE vapors from an environmental release.  The supporting document (Brief Review of Trichloroethylene (TCE) Developmental Risks) provides the background information for the TCE developmental risk concerns upon which the guidance is based.
CT DPH recognizes that, beyond vapor intrusion, women of childbearing age may be exposed to TCE at Connecticut workplaces because of certain materials they are handling on the job.  CT DPH has created a TCE Occupational Health Alert as a result of these concerns about the reproductive hazards associated with TCE exposure.


Contacts for Further Information

If you have any questions related to managing TCE Developmental Risks posed by an environmental release, please call the Remediation Division and/or the CT DPH Environmental Occupational Health Assessment program.

TCE environmental releases and remediation questions (DEEP Remediation) - (860) 424-3705

TCE health and occupational exposure questions (CT DPH) (860) 509-7740

Content last updated October 18, 2019